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SOML Large Optics Daily Reporting Guide to using the new ETSEDMS server for Large Optics Daily Reporting.

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Presentation on theme: "SOML Large Optics Daily Reporting Guide to using the new ETSEDMS server for Large Optics Daily Reporting."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOML Large Optics Daily Reporting Guide to using the new ETSEDMS server for Large Optics Daily Reporting

2 Daily Reporting Purpose Means of recording and disseminating information about the daily happenings –Record progress, problems and general notes to the next shift Serves as an archive resource of daily tasks and recording of run hours

3 Accessing the Server You will be issued a login and password Once logged in, you will see the “dashboard”. If items are waiting for you in the work queue, they will be listed Access the Daily Machine Reporting archive be clicking on “Go to all Documents & Drawings” and selecting the SOML folder within the “Catalog Browser”. Select the SOML Daily Machine Reporting subfolder and appropriate project Subfolder.

4 Searching the Daily Machine Reporting Archive Select the “Search” button, then select the “SOML catalog’ and “SOML Daily Machine Reporting” document type. Then use any criteria you would like. You can also go to SOML Daily Machine Reporting folder by selecting the “Folders” button, select the “SOML” catalog in the catalog browser and navigate to the “SOML Daily Machine Reporting” folder. Items can be sorted or grouped within the listing.

5 Entering a New Form To enter a new form, select the “capture” button, then capture type “form”, catalog “SOML”, document type “SOML Daily Machine Report” Fill in the requested information and select the “continue” button. This will pull up a new pdf form, with the fields that you just filled in already inserted. Once you filled in the pdf, select “submit” on the pdf form. This will take the form and place it in the correct project subfolder within the SOML Daily Machine Reporting folder.

6 Modifying an Existing Form Once a form is in the system, you can modify it by selecting the entry, downloading it and re- uploading it. –Select the entry, select “file” and then “download”. Save the file to your computer. Once changes are made or comments are added, save your file, then go back to the webpage and select “modify”, “upload revision” and then browse to the file and select “upload”. To change the fields that are in the headers, select “modify” and then “edit properties”. Make the changes, then select “commit”. The fields on the pdf will update shortly.

7 Adding An Attachment Once a form is in the system, you can add an attachment to it by selecting the entry, downloading it and re-uploading it. –Select the entry, select “file” and then “download”. Save the file to your computer. Add the attachment to the PDF file by clicking on the paperclip icon or clicking on the attachment tab and using the “add” option to add the attachment, save your file, then go back to the webpage and select “modify”, “upload revision” and then browse to the file and select “upload”.

8 Creating Excel Reports Pull up the report that you wish to export using the necessary criteria in the search fields. For example, select the project and the process for which you wish to run the report. You can sort within the results. For example, you can sort by date and then use only those rows that are relevant in order to add up run hours as needed.

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