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(Assessment). Mission, Vision, Goals PlanDoCheckAct Drill Down.. 2.

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Presentation on theme: "(Assessment). Mission, Vision, Goals PlanDoCheckAct Drill Down.. 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 (Assessment)

2 Mission, Vision, Goals PlanDoCheckAct Drill Down.. 2

3 Strategic Plan Program Review SLO Assessment Individual Annual Performance Review Drill Down.. 3

4 Educational Master Plan Technology Plan Student Services Plan Facilities Plan 4

5 5 ALIGNMENT OF GOALS GOALS #1 ACCESS #2 STUDENT LEARNING #3 TRANSFER #4 CAREER TECHNICAL EDUCATION #5 FOUNDATION SKILLS PROGRAM #6 DIVERSIFIED MODES OF INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY #7 CAMPUS INFRASTRUCTURE OBJECTIVESStreamline Enrollment Process Expand Orientation, Assessment & Counseling Adopt Prerequisites Expand SLO Assessment Support Study Skills Programs Increase Graduation Recruit College-Ready students Develop Comprehensive Transfer Program Strengthen Transfer Pathways Strengthen Vocational Programs Provide Foundation Skills for Vocational Programs Strengthen Relationships: Counselors and CTE Programs Develop New Vocational Programs in Growth Areas Institute Educationally- sound Class Size Re-label Basic Skills as Foundation Skills Establish Learning Communities Stress Intensive Writing Instruction Emphasize Subject - Integrated Reading Instruction Use Diversified Mathematics Instruction Prepare ESL Students for Transfer/Career Support Learning Communities Expand Online Services for All Students Promote Quality Online & Hybrid Courses Improve Evening, Weekends & Off-Campus Programs Expand Technologies to Support Student Learning Improve Technology Support for Services & Facilities Configure Technology for Classrooms

6  Prioritized Resource Requests  Faculty Positions – FPIP  Online Library Subscriptions  Financial Aid Technician  2 Custodians  Research Analyst  A-Shift Exam Proctor  HVAC Lead Technician  Physics Equipment  Auto Mechanic  Registration Asst. -- A/R and Veterans 6

7 Viability Indicators in Program Review  Changes in  Total enrollment / number of students served  Enrollment  FTES  Technology  Labor market demand 7

8  Academic Senate’s Program Viability Policy   Who can ask for a viability study?  Academic Senate  Faculty member in the program  Director/Chair of the program  Vice Presidents/Administration  Program Review/Unit Plan  Advisory Committees  Accreditation Report 8

9  Key factors which may be used in identifying and evaluating at-risk programs include:  Insufficient frequency of course section offerings to assure reasonable availability for students to complete the program within its stated duration  Low rate for student achievement of program goals (i.e., successful completion rate)  Low retention within courses  Low term-to-term persistence for those in courses in the major  Lack of demand in the workforce or cyclic nature of the workforce  Unavailability of the transfer major  Declining need for this program by other programs 9

10  Key factors which may be used in identifying and evaluating at-risk programs include:  Insufficient numbers of faculty, including full-time faculty and in their particular expertise (use of faculty development or sabbatical resources may be appropriate)  Insufficient physical resources including facilities, equipment, and supplies  Inadequate levels of outside support such as classified staff, course offerings, library materials, and workplace learning opportunities  Adjustment of course scheduling: times of day, block scheduling, short courses, frequency and number of sections, open entry/open exit  Analysis of demand for the program through use of labor market information which may result in curriculum modifications such as adding options for higher demand specialties  Whether course outlines have been updated in the last five years  Articulation of programs/courses: K-12, Tech Prep, etc., and a four-year sequencing of offerings to ensure student ability to transition to subsequent levels 10

11  Possible outcomes of program viability:  Program extension or suspension  Program revitalization  Program reduction  Continue or accept the program in its current state  Program consolidation  Program discontinuance 11

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