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Role in Workforce and Adult Education Presented by Erich Smith Manager- Adult Education and Workforce Development Honickman Learning Center & Comcast Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Role in Workforce and Adult Education Presented by Erich Smith Manager- Adult Education and Workforce Development Honickman Learning Center & Comcast Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Role in Workforce and Adult Education Presented by Erich Smith Manager- Adult Education and Workforce Development Honickman Learning Center & Comcast Technology Labs

2 Session Goals Define and give examples of Open Educational Resources (OER). How do you know if something is “Open?” Where do I find OERs? Discuss OER uses in workforce and adult education. Discuss OER’s benefits/downside. Examine actual resources used at Honickman Learning Center Group discussion around the use of OERs. Develop a “social network” of organizations and/or instructors to develop an Adult Ed Library of Open Educational Materials.

3 What is OER?

4 Definition (Wikipedia) Open Educational Resources (OER) are freely accessible, usually openly licensed documents and media that are useful for teaching, learning, educational, assessment and research purposes. i.e. FREE STUFF for your classroom

5 Open licenses is the key

6 Focus of OER Use How do we take advantage of this resource in Adult Education?

7 HLC Classroom Highlight

8 Activity Classroom Treasure Hunt – Groups Google search Locate resources Save as a favorite Move on to the next possible resource

9 Where do I find OERs? – Libraries of Open resources Save your links Google the following terms: – Open education resources PDF – Pdf open educational resources – “Free books online”

10 Final thoughts/ Q&A

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