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1 Report to Simulation Meeting 20 May, 2004 Akiya Miyamoto, KEK.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Report to Simulation Meeting 20 May, 2004 Akiya Miyamoto, KEK."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Report to Simulation Meeting 20 May, 2004 Akiya Miyamoto, KEK

2 Akiya Miyamoto 2 Jupiter Features:  Modular structure for easy update, install/uninstall of sub-detectors  Powerful base classes that provide unified interface to  facilitate easy (un)installation of components by methods such as InstallIn, Assemble, Cabling  Help implementation of detailed hierarchiral structures. This helps to save memory size.  Minimize user-written source code by –Automatic naming system & material management –B-field compositions for accelerators  Input : HEPEVT, CAIN (ASCII) or generators in JSF.  Output –Output class allows extrnal methods. Using this mechanism, it can output ASCII flat file and JSF/ROOT fie. Core developper: K.Hoshina and K.Fujii : Geant4 based Full Detector Simulator

3 Akiya Miyamoto 3 Standard Geometry of Jupiter Super Conducting Solenoid (SOL) Calorimeter(HCAL) Calorimeter(ECAL) Central Tracker(CDC) Intermediate Tracker(IT) Vertex Detector(VTX)

4 Akiya Miyamoto 4 Detector geometries in Jupiter 0cm45cm 155cm VTX detector IT CDC Individual drift cells and wires Axial and stereo geometry VTX sensor Geometry parameters such as #layers, #pixels,…. controled by a ParameterList class for easy modification

5 Akiya Miyamoto 5 Crossing 3mrad QC1 QC2 VTX CDC QC1 VTX Detector Model Model d) L*=4.3 m 3T (Solenoid) T.Aso Beam Delivery System for Beam BG Study

6 Akiya Miyamoto 6 Sample events by Jupiter Beam Background Simulated By Jupiter Event source : CAIN

7 Akiya Miyamoto 7

8 8 Jupiter and JSFJ4 JSFJ4 is a Jupiter-JSF interface

9 Akiya Miyamoto 9 Jupiter Commponents Jupiter 1)Framework 1-1)LCIO 1-2)Geometry Management 2)Component (Red letter was established component) 2-1) IR 2-2)VTX 2-3)CT <- Jet (TPC) 2-4)IT+FT 2-5)Cal <- Spherical model (Tower/2parts, Tile?) More realistic model (Tile, Strip) Digital model 2-6)Mag(Simple Solenoid) 2-7)Muon+Return Yoke

10 Akiya Miyamoto 10 For Jet mass reconstruction Following packages are required for jet mass reconstruction  Track reconstruction  Central Tracker track finder and fitter  Link Central Tracker and IT/VTX for refitting  Track extrapolation to CAL  Cal reconstruction  Two algorithm –(a) Cal clustering  EM clustering -> EMC-Track Match -> e/gamma ID -> mu-ID -> HD clustering -> HDC-Track Match -> Neutral Particle –(b) Track based clustering  Remove Charged track energy from cell -> muID -> EM Clustering -> HD Clustering  Jet Clustering  Vertexing and heavy quark tagger Develop them in parallel, not serially

11 Akiya Miyamoto 11 Study items and works to do Implement CAL geometries  Spherical, cylindrical, realistic with tilt and gaps  For spherical, 5x5mm 2, Pb 8mm, Sci. 2mm or Pb 4mm, Sci 1mm (?) Single particle performances  Linearity, resolution, lateral/longitudinal spread  Caliburation and optimum cut values  How strongly these performances depend on geometries Two-particle or jet performance  Develop clustering algorithm  Study electron/gamma ID performance  Study pi+/n ID performance Study dependences on detector geometry and parameters

12 Akiya Miyamoto 12 Study items - 2 Jet reconstruction  Masses of W, Z, H, T …. Which process ? ee-> ZH->nnH @ 250GeV or WW->enW @500GeV@ 250GeV or ee-> ZZ->nnqq @ 500 or 1000 GeV  Energy and direction of jets Background rejection  Off timing mini-jet tracks  Muon from upstream

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