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The Compromising Church The Church at Pergamum Revelation 2:12-17.

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2 The Compromising Church The Church at Pergamum Revelation 2:12-17

3 Review Christ is concerned about His churches –He is giving 7 letters to tell what He sees Ephesus – Loyal, but Lacking Love Smyrna – Poor, but Rich Now we look at the 3 rd church, Pergamum

4 57 miles from Smyrna

5 Pergamum, the city The ruins of the library at Pergamum The 2 nd largest library in the Roman Empire Housed more than 200,000 books and scrolls

6 Pergamum, the city The Aesclepium The Healing Center Marble altar showing snake worship symbols

7 Pergamum, the city Temple of Serapis, Egyptian healing god Temple of Athena, goddess of wisdom Temple of Zeus Temple of Hera

8 Pergamum, the city Temple to the Emperor 3x named Temple Warder of the Imperial Cult Pergamum Council given “right of the sword” (the right to sentence to death)

9 Pergamum, the church Rev 2:12 The one with the sharp two-edged sword –Christ has the real power of life and death

10 Pergamum, the church Rev 2:13, the positive points Satan’s throne could be... –Center for enforcement of emperor worship –The Aesclepium –All the many temples Antipas, a martyr, faithful –Killed where Satan dwells –Probably indicates the center for enforcement of emperor worship

11 Pergamum, the church Rev 2:14-15 The teaching of Balaam (Num 22-24, 31:16) –A doctrine of compromise –Balaam couldn’t curse Israel directly So he got them to compromise (idolatry and fornication) so God would curse them –Some in the church were also compromising Perhaps in idolatry and fornication (like Balaam) Perhaps in other ways –With the Temple Warders –With the Aesclepium

12 Pergamum, the church Rev 2:16, the challenge –Repent or else –God does not accept compromises –Christ will use His “right of the sword” against them –His sword is the word of God (Eph 6:17)

13 Pergamum, the church Rev 2:17, the reward for overcoming –Hidden manna – spiritual sustenance –White stone (2 possibilities) A vote of acquittal in Roman courts A mark of freedom for a former slave –A new name written on the stone When a slave was freed, he was given a new name The name would include that of the master who freed him

14 Lessons for today God accepts no compromises with sin –If healthcare, jobs, family, freedom, or even life are threatened, better to lose them If we have compromised, we must repent To be free, we must give up all the things of the world

15 Conclusion Are we ready to follow God no matter the consequences? Do we stand against those who would seek compromise with the world? Are we willing to repent for past compromises? If not, are you ready to face Christ and fight against Him?


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