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FACES Workshop, October 7 th, 2008 On Being a Professor with another Profession Jeffrey L. Streator, Ph.D. Associate Professor G. W. Woodruff School of.

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Presentation on theme: "FACES Workshop, October 7 th, 2008 On Being a Professor with another Profession Jeffrey L. Streator, Ph.D. Associate Professor G. W. Woodruff School of."— Presentation transcript:

1 FACES Workshop, October 7 th, 2008 On Being a Professor with another Profession Jeffrey L. Streator, Ph.D. Associate Professor G. W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering Pastor Summer Hill African Methodist Episcopal Church Rome, GA

2 FACES Workshop, October 7 th, 2008 Some Academic Milestones... 1984A.B., Harvard University, Engineering Sciences 1986M.S.,U.C. Berkeley, Mechanical Engineering 1990Ph.D, U.C. Berkeley, Mechanical Engineering 1990 Joined Mech. Engr. Faculty at Georgia Tech 1996 Promoted to Assoc. Prof./Granted Tenure

3 FACES Workshop, October 7 th, 2008 Some Ministerial Milestones... 1994Accepted Call to Ministry 1998 Received 1 st -level Ordination (i.e., became “Rev. Streator”) 2000 Appointed as Pastor to Summer Hill A.M.E. 2001Received Full Ordination

4 FACES Workshop, October 7 th, 2008 I. Challenges! -research get funding, write papers, manage graduate students, travel to conferences -teaching prepare lecture, manage courses, interface with students -service committees: unit level, institute level, professional level; educational outreach, mentorship (e.g., FACES, STEP) Academic Careers Afford...

5 FACES Workshop, October 7 th, 2008 II. Chances -to discover learn things that nobody else yet knows -to develop grow intellectually; explore new areas -to impact your research, education and service change lives and/or the quality of life Academic Careers Afford...

6 FACES Workshop, October 7 th, 2008 III. Choices -autonomy you choose how you organize your time, your courses, your research enterprise, the level of service (with some constraints) -creativity limited only by your imagination...(and you ability to get funding for it!) Academic Careers Afford...

7 FACES Workshop, October 7 th, 2008 Flow Chart Questions?

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