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The Road to High School Transitioning and What it Involves.

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Presentation on theme: "The Road to High School Transitioning and What it Involves."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Road to High School Transitioning and What it Involves

2 Who Are We?  Sharon Kidder Altadena —Special Education Teacher  Deb Casiraro Centennial —Special Education Teacher  Alyssa Tarkington– Special Education Chair Desert Vista High School  Sandy Griesman Special Education Chair Marcos de Niza High School  Kelly Nelson Special Education Chair Corona del Sol High School  Katherine McIntosh Special Education Chair Mountain Pointe High School

3 Transition Thoughts  The purpose of a smooth transition is to ensure that the student begins the new year in a new school with all the necessary supports in place to allow him/her to be successful.

4 Students are more likely to transition successfully if:  They establish meaningful relationships with faculty and staff  Feel connected to their school  Establish meaningful relationships with peers  Establish goals – make a connection between the here and now and their future  Know and understand their disabilities and how to compensate for them.

5  Power in Partnership  Communication is critical  Home and school  Current staff and new staff  Trust  All parties have the student’s best interests in mind  Process  If things aren’t working-revisit  Adjustment period Transition Thoughts

6 Special Education  IEP services including related services may continue depending on eligibility and could look different  Unique to High School Post-secondary Transition Plan Transfer of Rights at age 18 Graduation Requirements

7 Transition Steps  Students attend high school transition meeting  Students and parents fill out and submit required high school registration paperwork  Students and parents attend high school open house

8 Differences between High School and Middle School  Location  Size  Classes – choices, age variability, requirements  Expectations (homework, behavior, credits)  Increased transfer of responsibility to students  Resource Support – varies per student  Access to teachers  Moving towards self advocacy  Extracurricular activities (no pass, no participation)  Role of Security Officers  Zero Hour and 8th hour  Movement from one grade level to the next based on credits  State Test – AIMS/AIMS- A

9 High School Nuts & Bolts  Typical Schedule  Electives  Core  Extra Curricular  Open Enrollment Process

10 High School Offerings  High School Course Offering Booklet  Required Courses  Course of Study  Pre-requisites  Regular Education/Special Education listings  East Valley Institute of Technology (EVIT)  Extra Curricular Activities  Clubs

11 Questions

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