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Changes in Context Story similar in the Synoptic Gospels Dissimilarities exist but are minor Differences display the difference in authors purpose.

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Presentation on theme: "Changes in Context Story similar in the Synoptic Gospels Dissimilarities exist but are minor Differences display the difference in authors purpose."— Presentation transcript:

1 Changes in Context Story similar in the Synoptic Gospels Dissimilarities exist but are minor Differences display the difference in authors purpose

2 Examples of Deviations MATTHEWMARKLUKE Refers to people as “Brood of Vipers” and urges them to repent! Does not include addressing the people in this regard. Refers to people as “Brood of Vipers” and urges them to repent! Specifies speaking to the Pharisees and Saducees. Specifies speaking to all of the people of the Judean countryside and all of the people of Jerusalem. No specific people are described. John describes being hesistant to Baptize Jesus. Not mentioned

3 Primary Concerns Mark vs Luke Mark Mark primarily attempts to share the good news of Jesus Christ and show that Jesus forgives those who confess their sins and repent. They are baptized and made new just as Jesus was. Luke The author in Luke places a much larger emphasis on what actions the people must take to make their repentance real in the eyes of God (Lk 3:10-14,) rather than the actual baptisms.

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