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6 th Grade Transition Succeed in Middle School. 6 th Grade Transition Pre-Test What are three keys to make a smooth transition into middle school?

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Presentation on theme: "6 th Grade Transition Succeed in Middle School. 6 th Grade Transition Pre-Test What are three keys to make a smooth transition into middle school?"— Presentation transcript:

1 6 th Grade Transition Succeed in Middle School

2 6 th Grade Transition Pre-Test What are three keys to make a smooth transition into middle school?

3 Don’t Look Like This!! Succeed in School

4 Be Your Best! Middle School Transition Skills Become Familiar with School/Facilities Participate Use Organizational Skills Set Goals Ask for Help Come Ready to Learn

5 Familiar with School Navigate School Building Use School Lockers Extra-Curricular Activities

6 Navigate School Building Know where to find – Your Classes – Locker Areas – Extra-Curricular Activities – Office

7 Use School Lockers Know how to use combination Keep locker clean Don’t share combination

8 Extra-Curricular Activities Sports Teams Student Council Math, Science and Spelling Teams Arts classes and clubs

9 Familiar with School What would help you most? 1.More familiar with the school 2.Using lockers better 3.More involved with extra-curriculars

10 Use Organizational Skills Planner and Binder Note Taking Time Management Study Habits

11 Using a Planner/Binder Bring to class everyday Write down assignments/due date Make a plan Different colored folders for binder Put assignments in folders Make lists Parents can help you

12 Note Taking Most important points Helps anticipate test questions Take notes while reading Share notes with classmates

13 Time Management Make a schedule Prioritize your activities – Don’t prioritize your schedule but schedule your priorities 35 hours a week in school Much time outside of school – Manage this time

14 Study Habits Create a daily study time (ex: 7-8:30pm) Find a quiet place to study Always be prepared for class Complete assignments on time Review notes daily

15 Organizational Skills What would help you most? 1.Using a planner and binder 2.Taking notes better 3.Planning my time 4.Improving study habits

16 Set Goals Helps reach aspirations Short-term – Grades Long-Term – Post-Secondary Longer-term - Career Attainable but rigorous

17 Goals What are your goals for 6 th grade? What career would you like to have in fifteen years?

18 Ask for Help Who? for What? Where? When? Why? How?

19 Ask for Help PRACTICE! Ask for help from a teacher with math homework. Ask for help about make-up work from an absence. Ask for help with a problem with another student.

20 Come Ready to Learn! It’s all about SIXTH GRADE ROCKS!

21 Come Ready to Learn! What will yourbe? Excited Friendly Open to New Ideas Outgoing Cheerful Positiv e Hard Working Never Give Up! Shy Worrie d Nervous Try New Things

22 Review: Middle School Transition Skills Become Familiar with School/Facilities Participate Use Organizational Skills Set Goals Ask for Help Come Ready to Learn

23 6 th Grade Transition Post-Test What are three keys to make a smooth transition into middle school?

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