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Sacraments of Initiation
The Holy Spirit Among Us
Where there is death, the Holy Spirit brings life Where there is loss and confusion the Holy Spirit guides and clarifies Where despair settles in, the Holy Spirit brings hope based on the true promises of the Lord Promise of a Messiah Promise of the Holy Spirit
Promises Fulfilled Messiah Holy Spirit Genesis 3:15 Isaiah 11:1-3
The first mention of the promise to send a savior that would reconcile humanity with the divine Isaiah 11:1-3 Prophecy that the Messiah would come from the family of David Luke 1:5 Revelation of who the child of Mary would be Luke 2: 6-7 Promise fulfilled John 1: 32-4 Jesus is revealed at his own baptism by John Holy Spirit John 4:16 Jesus promises to send an advocate Luke 24:29 Jesus tells the apostles to stay in the city until they are “clothed with the power from on high” Luke 2: 1-6 Fulfillment
Confirmation, East & West
In the beginning of the early church all three sacraments of initiation were celebrated at the same time by the Bishop Western Church Due to the increased number of infant baptisms, the growth of dioceses, and the distance between parishes, Confirmation was delayed until the Bishop could be present. This remains true today Eastern Church Because of the use of chrism that has been consecrated by the Bishop, priests celebrate Confirmation in the Eastern Churches. Therefore all three sacraments are still celebrated together, including Eucharist. Authority is passed on to priests through the holy oil
Reflection of Truth Eastern Church Western Church
Celebration of sacraments together emphasizes the unity of these sacraments Western Church Waiting for the Bishop strengthens the connection between the newly confirmed and the apostolic origins Bishop is the sign of unity, universal, and apostolic qualities of the Church Apostolic succession is handed on through the “laying of the hands” Even though the bishop is the usual minister of Confirmation, he may grant permission to the parish priest to celebrate the sacrament at the Easter Vigil
Origin Old Testament: New Testament
Mentions the Spirit of the Lord present in certain individuals destined for a particular mission. Joel 3: 1-3 Isaiah 61: 1-2 New Testament Jesus begins His mission by quoting the words of Isaiah Spirit descends on Jesus at his baptism John the Baptist says that “He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit” Jesus promises to send the Spirit Pentecost experience
Preparation Eligibility Criteria
Reached the age of reason (seven years old or whatever age to sixteen the bishop of the diocese chooses) Criteria Profess the faith (Creed) Be in the state of grace Desire to receive the sacrament Intend to live as a disciple of Christ and witness to the faith, both within the Church and in the world.
Celebrating the Rite Introductory Rites Liturgy of the Word
Presentation of the Candidates Homily Renewal of Baptismal vows “Laying on of Hands”*** Anointing with chrism*** Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit Prayer of the Faithful Liturgy of the Eucharist Concluding Rites
Confirmation Essential Sacramental Symbol Usual minister
Laying on of hands and the anointing with chrism while saying “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit” Usual minister Bishop With permission a priest may administer the sacrament
Life in the Holy Spirit Offerings & responsibilities
Roots us more deeply as sons & daughters of God Unites us more firmly to Jesus Increases the gifts of the Spirit in us Strengthens our relationship with the Church Involves us more deeply with the mission of the Church Helps us to bear witness to our faith through our words and actions
Life in the Spirit Fruits: Gifts: To be “opened” and used always
Charity Joy Peace Patience Kindness Generosity Gentleness Faithfulness Modesty Self-control Chastity when we live in the Spirit these qualities show up in our lives Gifts: Wisdom Understanding Knowledge Right judgment Courage (fortitude) Reverence Wonder and awe To be “opened” and used always
Discernment of God’s Will
What is “discernment? Know and pray with Scripture Live the Sacraments Love the Catholic Church Pray to the Spirit Be an active member of the “Body of Christ”
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