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Boys will be boys One wild and crazy guy The Devil made me do it Don’t dis the disciples A Baker’s Dozen 100 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "Boys will be boys One wild and crazy guy The Devil made me do it Don’t dis the disciples A Baker’s Dozen 100 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 Boys will be boys One wild and crazy guy The Devil made me do it Don’t dis the disciples A Baker’s Dozen 100 200 300 400 500

2 Name given to the early years of Jesus’ life

3 Village where Jesus was raised

4 Where Jesus was found after being “lost”

5 Offering made by Mary and Joseph in the Temple when Jesus was consecrated to God

6 Languages Jesus probably spoke

7 Where John got his water to Baptize

8 John is wearing these

9 The title John never used for himself

10 These two divine signs about the baptism of Jesus are found in all the gospels

11 This was often used as a symbol for Israel as a whole in the first century and less often as a symbol of the Holy Spirit

12 This is where Jesus is first tempted by the devil

13 Jesus was tempted with all the kingdoms of the world if he would do this

14 The Jewish people were reminded of this when they heard about the temptation of Jesus in the desert after40 days.

15 Economic, Magical, and Political

16 Jesus recognized he was chosen to proclaim and begin a new kingdom and He learned he would be given the power to do this through the Holy Spirit

17 One who has a personal, lasting relationship of love with God, and proclaims his Kingdom

18 This is taken up in order to follow Jesus

19 Where the nearest disciples can be found

20 The difference between the disciples of Jesus and other rabbis

21 This is expected besides just watching and learning from Jesus.

22 Special men who were to play a central and significant role during and after the ministry of Jesus

23 The twelve tribes of Israel

24 From The Greek – meaning to “send forth”

25 Fishermen, tax collector, hot heads, cowards at times, sometimes dull, baffled, unable to understand Jesus

26 Missing from this list: Simon, Thaddeus, Bartholomew, James and James, Andrew, Philip, John, Judas, Matthew

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