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Participation 92% Response Rate. Respondents to Questionnaire.

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Presentation on theme: "Participation 92% Response Rate. Respondents to Questionnaire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Participation 92% Response Rate

2 Respondents to Questionnaire

3 Participants in Extracurricular Activities

4 # of Activities Per Participant

5 Participants by category

6 Do extracurricular activities increase communication between co-workers?

7 Do extra curricular activities increase the overall employment experience?

8 Does participation increase job satisfaction?

9 Frequency and Means of Respondent Answers Strongly Agree AgreeStronglyDisagree 12345 Mean Rating Increases communication skills 205218202.0 Enhances overall employment experience 165121402.1 Increases job satisfaction 94034632.5

10 Does participation increase job satisfaction?

11 Conclusion Apparent that job satisfaction, overall employment experience, and communication skills are enhanced for those involved Apparent that job satisfaction, overall employment experience, and communication skills are enhanced for those involved HR should increase promotion of the current available activities HR should increase promotion of the current available activities HR should consider offering additional activities HR should consider offering additional activities HR should publicize activities to employees in order to aid in recruitment and retention efforts HR should publicize activities to employees in order to aid in recruitment and retention efforts

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