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What the ridge is telling us and why its important Raju Venugopalan Brookhaven National Laboratory STAR Analysis Meeting, MIT, July 9th, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "What the ridge is telling us and why its important Raju Venugopalan Brookhaven National Laboratory STAR Analysis Meeting, MIT, July 9th, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 What the ridge is telling us and why its important Raju Venugopalan Brookhaven National Laboratory STAR Analysis Meeting, MIT, July 9th, 2009

2 Outline of Talk  Why is the ridge important ?  Multi-gluon production in HI collisions: how Glasma flux tubes emerge & their relation to “pQCD”  The Ridge and Glasma flux tubes: where theory becomes model  Other model explanations  Piecing it all together: what have we learnt and what’s next

3 Why is the Ridge important?  Long-range rapidity correlations (LRC) sensitive to multi-parton correlations in nuclear wavefunction  LRC are a chronometer of early time strong color field Glasma dynamics  Same origin as I) Strong local CP violation from topological “sphaleron” transitions II) Quantum dynamics leading to early thermalization III) Possible “synchrotron-like” radiation that may contribute to “anomalous” jet energy loss and  / s In the Glasma flux tube picture, the existence of Ridge-like structures is strongly related to these possible effects

4 What does a heavy ion collision look like ? Color Glass Condensates Initial Singularity Glasma sQGP - perfect fluid Hadron Gas t

5 The nuclear wavefunction at high energies At RHIC typical x ~ 0.01. At the LHC, x ~ 5 * 10 -4 Parton Density x= fraction of momentum of hadron carried by parton Nuclear wave function at high energies is a Color Glass Condensate Glue rules!

6 What does a heavy ion collision look like ? Color Glass Condensates Initial Singularity Glasma sQGP - perfect fluid Hadron Gas t

7 Forming a Glasma in the little Bang Glasma (\Glahs-maa\): Noun: non-equilibrium matter between Color Glass Condensate (CGC)& Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP)  Problem: Compute particle production in QCD with strong time dependent sources Gelis, Lappi, RV; arXiv : 0804.2630, 0807.1306, 0810.4829  Solution: for early times (t  1/Q S ) -- n-gluon production computed in A+A to all orders in pert. theory to leading log accuracy

8 Numerical Yang-Mills soln.:Glasma flux tubes After: boost invariant flux tubes of size 1/Q S Krasnitz,Nara, RV; Lappi Before: transverse E & B “Weizsacker-Williams fields Lappi,McLerran,NPA 772 (2006) parallel color E & B fields Kharzeev, Krasnitz, RV, Phys. Lett. B545 (2002) generate Chern-Simons topological charge

9 The unstable Glasma Small rapidity dependent quantum fluctuations of the LO Yang-Mills fields grow rapidly as E  and B  fields as large as E L and B L at time Romatschke, RV:PRL 96 (2006) 062302 Possible mechanism for rapid isotropization Problem: collisions can’t ‘catch up’  Turbulent “thermalization” may lead to “anomalously” low viscosities Asakawa, Bass, Muller; Dumitru, Nara, Schenke, Strickland  Significant energy loss in Glasma because of synchroton like radiation? Shuryak, Zahed; Zakharov; Kharzeev

10 A No-Go Theorem If glue fields are boost invariant, no sphaleron transitions are permitted! With rapidity dependent quant. fluctuations, explosive sphaleron transitions are allowed! Kharzeev, Krasnitz, RV, Phys. Lett. B545 (2002) Sphaleron = Over the barrier transitions connecting QCD vacua labeled by differing topological charge - a mechanism for EW Baryogenesis in standard model Klinkhamer and Manton (1984)

11 P and CP violation: Chiral Magnetic Effect Kharzeev,McLerran,Warringa L or B + External (QED) magnetic field Chiral magnetic effect = STAR Preliminary Possible experimental signal of charge separation ( Voloshin, Quark Matter 2009 ) Topological fluctuations -sphaleron transitions in Glasma N CS = -2 -1 0 1 2 For effect to be significant, these transitions must occur at early times

12 What does all this have to do with the ridge? Long range rapidity correlations arise from two particle correlations in the Glasma

13 Imagining the Glasma Causality dictates: Au+Au 200 GeV, 0 - 30% PHOBOS preliminary  4 These correlations likely occur at early times…

14 The Ridge and Glasma flux tubes-I Dumitru, Gelis,McLerran, RV, arXiv:0804.3858[hep-ph] “pQCD” graphs (SRC) Independent gluon emission from Glasma flux tube (LRC)  For Strong Color Sources (high energy/large nuclei/central collisions) Flux Tube Emission dominates “pQCD” by 1 /  S 2

15 The Ridge and Glasma flux tubes-II Correlations are induced by color fluctuations that vary event to event - these are local transversely and have color screening radius 1/Q S Simple “Geometrical” result: strength of correlation = area of flux tube / transverse area of nucleus

16 The Ridge and Glasma Flux tubes - where theory meets model Color Glass Condensates Initial Singularity Glasma sQGP - perfect fluid Hadron Gas t The evolution of Glasma into the perfect fluid is not understood. Initial condition for hydro evolution requires modelling…

17 Soft Ridge = Glasma flux tubes + Radial flow R Pairs correlated by transverse Hubble flow in final state - experience same boost Can be computed non-perturbatively from numerical lattice simulations Srednyak,Lappi,RV from blast wave fits to spectra Q S from centrality dependence of inclusive spectra

18 Ridge from flowing flux tubes Gavin,McLerran,Moschelli, arXiv:0806.4718 Glasma flux tubes get additional qualitative features right: i ) Same flavor composition as bulk matter ii) Ridge independent of trigger p T -geometrical effect iii) Signal for like and unlike sign pairs the same at large  See also Lindenbaum and Longacre, arXiv:0809.3601, 0809.2286

19 Three particle Glasma correlations Dusling, Fernandez-Fraile, RV, arXiv:0902.4435 [nucl-th] Three particle cumulant can be expressed as Radial Boost parameter Distributions are radially boosted…

20 Three particle correlations uniform in Prediction: angular collimation of three particle correlations - max. at (0,0) and min. at (2  /3, 4  /3) Ratio independent of STAR, PRL 102:052302 (2009)

21 “Glittering” Glasmas Gelis,Lappi,McLerran, arXiv:0905.3234 n-particle correlation can be expressed as with This is a negative binomial distribution which is known to describe well multiplicity distributions in hadronic and nuclear collisions For k = 1, Bose-Einstein dist. For k= , Poisson Dist. N part PHENIX arXiv:0805.1521

22 Beyond boost inv. -  dependence of 2 Part. Corr. Evol. for nucl. 2 Formalism to compute dN 2 /d 3 p d 3 q ab initio for arbitrary rapidity separation  Y pq Gelis,Lappi,RV arXiv:0810.4829  (Jet) = 0.25  0.09  (Ridge) = 1.53  0.41 PHOBOS plot….. Model comparison coming soon… Dusling,Gelis,Lappi,RV

23 The Long and the Short of LRC and SRC dN 2 /d 3 p d 3 q Gelis,Lappi,RV AApA Strength of correlation (parton density)  For p  >> Q S (1 GeV) expect SRC to dominate and LRC to diminish However, because jet correlations die off so quickly, phase space dominance extends naïve regime of validity of LRC to large p  -- this argument can and should be quantified further.

24 Theorist making comparison to other theory models… ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL, BUT SOME ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS" - George Orwell, Animal Farm, Ch. 10

25 Comparison of models by Nagle, QM09 i) “Causation” models: purely final state models Longitudinal collective flow, Momentum kick, Broadening in turbulent color fields,… Difficult to get independence of trigger, width in  Momentum kick model gets it but perhaps too wide in  ii) “Auto-correlation” models: LRC from initial state and collimation in azimuth from boosted flow Glasma flux tube, Parton Bubble, see also related model by Shuryak

26 Improving the Glasma flux tube model NEXUS initial condition + SPHERIO hydro evolution + Cooper-Frye freezeout Jun Takahashi et al. arXiv:0902.4870 Glasma flux tube initial condition

27 Piecing it all together Remarkable features of RHIC data - the presence of long range correlations strikingly seen in the ridge - topological fluctuations and charge separation - early “isotropization” and strong flow are sensitive to the early time strong color field (Glasma) dynamics. Glasma flux tubes may provide a unifying explanation of all these features These ideas will be further tested and refined in future RHIC runs and at the LHC

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