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Spring 2009 ISAM 4635.02/5635.02 Project Identification - Design Phase.

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Presentation on theme: "Spring 2009 ISAM 4635.02/5635.02 Project Identification - Design Phase."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spring 2009 ISAM 4635.02/5635.02 Project Identification - Design Phase

2 Project Sponsor & Members Project Sponsor:  Mohammad A. Rob, Ph.D. Project Members:  Mark Hammond  Richard Meyer  Andrei Zhuchenko

3 Database Design Database Design:  The database selected for this system is an Oracle 11g Database.  Access to the existing sales and inventory database will be accomplished using an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) link. For security reasons, queries to the external systems will be to read-only views.  A PL/SQL Package will be developed, providing the necessary functions and procedures that will return parameterized query result sets, and perform other business logic within the system (creates, updates, deletes, etc.).

4 Web Application Design  The web application will be developed using the Microsoft ASP.NET 3.5 Framework.  The default format for code-behind files will be C-Sharp (C#).  The Oracle.NET Providers will be used to connect to the Oracle database and interact with the PL/SQL Package Interface.  Screen based security will be handled using role based authentication against Active Directory.

5 System Authentication Design  The internal web application shall authenticate users against the currently installed Active Directory environment.

6 Network Design  The network will consist of managed switches that support VLANs.  VLAN 1 will consist of user/staff workstations.  VLAN 2 will consist of servers.  Access between the two VLANs will be controlled by a managed router, with only the required ports to interact with the web application server and database open to the users/staff.

7 Non-Functional Reqs. Cont.

8 System Component Diagram

9 Structure Chart

10 Entity Relationship Diagram

11 Internal System Menu Design

12 Manage Recipes Screen Design

13 Create/Update Recipe Screen Design

14 Recipe Details Screen Design

15 Recipe Search Screen Design

16 Questions & Comments Thanks, Cocktail Stuffers

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