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Grace, Faith, and Works: God’s Purpose in the Life of the Believer Living Faith Bible Fellowship May 16, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Grace, Faith, and Works: God’s Purpose in the Life of the Believer Living Faith Bible Fellowship May 16, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grace, Faith, and Works: God’s Purpose in the Life of the Believer Living Faith Bible Fellowship May 16, 2012

2 Faith and Obedience An unfortunate truth is that it is common to see people who profess to be believers in the Lord Jesus Christ but their lives lack any real evidence of their faith. These are people who preach that salvation is possible apart from any evidence of regeneration because “God is love”. Antinomianism (against or apart from the law).

3 Faith and Obedience Then there are those who believe that we must add our good works to our faith in order to please God. For these people it is through our efforts that we win and maintain the approval of God.  These could be charitable good deeds.  Religious rituals.  Cultic sacraments.  Etc.

4 Faith and Obedience – Two Extremes Apart from the Gospel most people tend to one end of the spectrum. 1. Salvation without any evidence of faith or regeneration. 2. The need to work in order to be approved by God. Both of these are wrong!

5 Faith and Obedience Tonight we will look at the relationship between faith and works (justification and sanctification). Though we are saved by grace through faith, the Bible expects and requires that the believer demonstrates His faith through good works.

6 Faith and Obedience One of God’s purposes for the believer is that we demonstrate obedience and holiness. “For those whom He foreknew He also predestined to be conformed into the image of His Son…” Romans 8:29 Eph. 2:10

7 James 2:14-26: Saving Faith Many feel that James contradicts Paul (Romans 3:28, for example). James was addressing Christians under persecution to encourage them that true faith is seen through obedience. But Paul was writing to answer the question “How do Gentiles become Christians.”

8 James 2:14-26: Saving Faith Many feel that James contradicts Paul (Romans 3:28, for example). There is also the question of Inspiration (2 Timothy 3:16). If scripture is true it cannot contain errors or contradictions. Therefore we must receive them as the true Word of God (John 17:17; 1 Thess. 2:13)

9 James 2:14-26: Saving Faith Many feel that James contradicts Paul (Romans 3:28, for example). James DOES NOT contradict Paul. We will see tonight that even though we can distinguish faith and works, they cannot be separated. Faith and works are often called “two sides of the same coin.”

10 James 2:14-26: Saving Faith James 2:14 – “Can that faith save him?” Here James wants his readers to see that the only true faith is saving faith. For James there is saving faith and counterfeit faith.

11 James 2:14-26: Saving Faith Three types of false faith. a. Dead faith (vs. 15 – 17). b. The faith of demons (vs. 18 – 19). c. Useless faith (vs. 21).

12 James 2:14-26: Saving Faith Dead faith (vs. 15 – 17) Faith that does not “work” and is not active is a dead faith. Surely dead faith does not save. (How can something dead bring life?) James 2:1-13 highlights that love sees both rich and poor without partiality. This illustration ties into that theme. Saving faith takes care of the poor. This echoes Jesus (Luke 10:29-37).

13 James 2:14-26: Saving Faith Dead faith (vs. 15 – 17) and Faith Alone. When theologians refer to salvation by faith alone, they do not mean that saving faith is fruitless. All living things must bear fruit. This includes our faith (Galatians 5). Salvation by faith alone only means that our works are the fruit of salvation, not the root.

14 James 2:14-26: Saving Faith The faith of demons (vs. 18 – 19). James offers a challenge that true faith must be seen in the good works of the believer. Faith is not assent or mental belief, even the demons do that (Mt. 8:29; Lk. 4:34). The danger is that we can have right thinking and still not have saving faith.

15 James 2:14-26: Saving Faith Useless faith (vs. 20). We can profess to know Christ, we can have right propositions, but faith that doesn’t result in love for others and good works is both useless and foolish.

16 Two Examples of Faith and Works Abraham Believed God Faith is only “active” when it is accompanied by good works. This is a play on words contrasting dead vs. living faith. Saving faith is completed (the fruit is shown) by good works.

17 Two Examples of Faith and Works Abraham Believed God Faith is only “active” when it is accompanied by good works. This is a play on words contrasting dead vs. living faith. James uses the Father of the Faith to demonstrate that good works are the evidence & validation of saving faith (vs. 24). Paul appeals to Abraham to show that right standing with God comes apart from works (Romans 4).

18 Two Examples of Faith and Works Rahab Nothing about Rahab is right culturally; she was a woman, a Gentile, and a prostitute. However, her actions demonstrated that her faith was true and genuine. We are saved by faith alone but a faith that saves is NEVER alone. It is accompanied by love and obedience. Faith is NEVER private… (J. A. Motyer)

19 Faith and Works The Westminster Confession of Faith 11.2. These good works, done in obedience to God’s commandments, are the fruits and evidences of a true and lively faith: and by them believers manifest their thankfulness, strengthen their assurance, edify their brethren, adorn the profession of the Gospel, stop the mouths of the adversaries, and glorify God whose workmanship they are created in Christ Jesus unto, that having their fruit unto holiness, they may have the end, eternal life.

20 Faith and Works Separation of Faith and Works Many try to separate true saving faith from the good works it produces but that is impossible. Every action is either an act of faith or an act of unbelief (Romans 14:23).

21 Faith and Works Some Practical Applications The purposes of God are fulfilled when God is glorified through our good works. Mt. 5:14 – 16.

22 Faith and Works Some Practical Applications God is glorified in the salvation of the lost. We must always remember that salvation is by grace through faith, apart from works, BUT saving faith produces works (fruit).

23 Faith and Works Some Practical Applications God is glorified when we love one another. Saving faith produces love (1 John 3:16-18) Saving faith produces obedience to Jesus (Luke 6:46). This includes a special concern for the poor, widows, and orphans.

24 Faith and Works Some Practical Applications God is glorified when we work to build His kingdom. The harvest is ripe but the laborers are few. Saving faith puts both hands to the plow (Luke 9:62). Saving faith is not apathetic (James 2:16)

25 Faith and Works What should I do now? Questions – Comments?

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