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State Emergency Response Team GIS Initiatives Update Richard Butgereit GIS Administrator 850-413-9907

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1 State Emergency Response Team GIS Initiatives Update Richard Butgereit GIS Administrator 850-413-9907

2 Some activities… 1.FDOT Unified Basemap Repository 2.Coastal LiDAR/SLOSH Project 3.HAZUS Data Web Portal 4.USNG Map Books 5.Statewide GIS Coordination 6.E-Plan 7.H1N1 Mapping 8.Post-event imagery

3 FDOt Unified Basemap Repository  FDOT has funded a statewide, enterprise license for government agencies  NAVTEQ roads now available for all levels of Florida government

4 Coastal LiDAR Project/SLOSH Updates

5 LiDAR Status  FDEM – dark green  SWFWMD – light green  Counties - orange

6 SLOSH Data Development




10 NEW

11 What is HAZUS-MH? Tool that can identify hazard related risks, calculate potential losses to life and property, and help define effective ways to reduce losses Available from FEMA free of charge

12 Supported Hazards Hurricane Winds Riverine and Coastal Floods Earthquakes



15 Annual Hurricane Exercises

16 Hurricane Ivan Ground-Truthing

17 Florida HAZUS Users Group  Promotes the use of HAZUS across the state  Builds on Florida’s regional approach to risk assessment and planning.  Effectively uses a committee structure to identify, develop and implement projects.  Florida HUG will continue to play a pivotal role in HAZUS training and data management in the state of Florida.

18 What is CDMS?  CDMS is a tool developed by FEMA to support integration of locally developed inventory data into the HAZUS-MH loss estimation process.  Primary functions Support transfer of data into and out of the major master statewide databases Provide validation of new data into the system Allow users to query and print information within the system

19 What is CDMS? Shapefiles Excel Worksheets MS Access Database Delimited Text Geodatabases CDMS Repository Bndrygbs.mdb EF.mdb flAG.mdb flVeh.mdb Hplf.mdb Msh.mdb Trn.mdb Util.mdb HAZUS-MH Statewide Databases Field mapping Validation



22 Florida HAZUS User Group    

23 Statewide GIS Coordination

24  Grant funded project  October 2007 – April 2008  3 regional user conferences 520+ stakeholders engaged  3 regional workshops 150+ participants  Stakeholder interviews from local, county, regional, state, federal, university, private  158 stakeholder online survey The Strategic Plan

25  Establish a formal framework for successful GIS coordination Create Geospatial Programs Office headed by a GIS Coordinator Create a Geographic Information Council Empower Technical Advisory Committees Programmatic Goals

26 Partnerships “Building collaborative relationships and governance…ensures that the state plan effectively becomes a statewide plan that is relevant to the needs and incentives of local government as well as state government. Through this approach, state government will derive greater value from its geospatial knowledge base…” Source: NASCIO 2008, page 16

27 Broadband Mapping under the ARRA  American Recovery and Reinvestment Act  Broadband internet access mapping/needs assessment/adoption  Heavily reliant upon GIS and mapping  Grant opportunity for mapping/needs assessment/prioritization  Strategic Planning component available for states


29 USNG Map Books County-wide map books Soon to make available county-specific MXD’s with pre-fabricated map books

30  Hazardous Material Facilities  For first responders  User names/password provided through Local Emergency Planning Committee  E-Plan

31  Florida Department of Health  Weekly county activity maps  Survey H1N1 Mapping

32  FDEM publishing post-event imagery via ArcGIS server – ArcGIS services and KML Post-event Imagery

33  USGS publishing post-event imagery via WMS services and distributing through the Hazards Data Distribution System -- Post-event Imagery

34   Richard Butgereit, GIS Administrator 850-413-9907 Erika Pittman, GIS Analyst 850-413-9906 Florida Division of Emergency Management

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