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Photography Week Some examples from the class of 07-08.

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Presentation on theme: "Photography Week Some examples from the class of 07-08."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photography Week Some examples from the class of 07-08

2 Day 1- Foliage and Portraits Today we have two objectives. Take picture of foliage (plants) and Portraits of other people.

3 Foliage Plants don’t have to be boring! Try some interesting angles and watch your backgrounds. Remember your rules of composition

4 Foliage examples

5 Portraits Time for some people pictures. You will have to position your subjects, watch where their limbs are in contrast to the background. Watch for mergers

6 Portraits

7 Day 2- Inanimate Objects, Group Photos Today's objectives are taking pictures of inanimate objects (things that are not alive) and group photos.

8 Inanimate Objects Capturing inanimate objects can result in boring lifeless pictures if your not careful. The trick to a good photo in this area will be capturing the object in a unique way.

9 Inanimate Objects

10 Group Photos Capture a group photo of two or more people. The more natural it looks, the better the result.

11 Groups

12 Day Three Today’s objective is to capture these items in a different way: Toys and Office Materials

13 Toys We all loved them as kids, can you bring back those memories with a well constructed photo?

14 Toys

15 Office Materials How can boring can it get? About as boring as a stapler. Can you somehow make these materials exciting, professional or extraordinary?

16 Office Supplies

17 Day Four Today’s objectives are: Hands and Books Right off the bat they don’t sound very exciting, but what we are hopefully discovering is that anything can make a great picture.

18 Hands Hands tell a lot about what a person does and who they are. Hands can speak whole languages so don’t just lay them there. Be expressive!

19 Hands

20 Books Books have been the primary source of information for hundreds of years. Since books hold so much they are held in great regard by many. Use the books to express some ideas.

21 Books

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