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Aim: What is Illustrator? Mr. Spaterella Technology Feb. 22.

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: What is Illustrator? Mr. Spaterella Technology Feb. 22."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: What is Illustrator? Mr. Spaterella Technology Feb. 22

2 Adobe Illustrator is a vector based drawing program.

3 Illustrator CS3 lets you create graphics and type in vector format. Vector graphics are resolution independent, which means you can resize a graphic from business card size to billboard size and it will maintain its high quality. Illustrator also lets you create assets that can easily be distributed to different media: print, web, interactive, video, and mobile. Adobe Illustrator

4 Difference Between Illustrator and Photoshop 1.Understand that Illustrator creates vector graphics and vector text. Vector graphics consist of lines and curves that contain mathematical objects called vectors. 2.Know that Photoshop creates bitmapped graphics. Bitmaps consist of tiny dots of color. The eye fills in the spaces between the dots so the color appears to be solid. Bitmapped graphics are measured by the number of dots per unit - usually called dpi (dots per inch). 3.Realize that bitmap graphics are much larger in file size than vector graphics. Therefore, vector images take up much less storage space and can be downloaded faster.

5 Adobe Illustrator Window

6 Adobe Illustrator Toolbar

7 Vector Graphics Adobe Illustrator uses vectors instead of pixels. Vectors are mathematical objects that use geometric characteristics to define an object. That means that no matter what magnification you look at vector art, the edges will always be sharp. Vector graphics are used in creating logos and specialized text.

8 Selection Tools

9 Drawing/Type Tools

10 Drawing/Type Tools - Tearoff

11 Vector Graphics Vector graphics consist of anchor points and line segments, together referred as paths.

12 Class Project 1.

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