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Sources / Income Balance January 22,2010$ 28,221 Membership$ 50,000 Total Income$ 78,221 Uses / Expenses Accounting$ 825 Meeting Expenses$ 1,874 Professional.

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Presentation on theme: "Sources / Income Balance January 22,2010$ 28,221 Membership$ 50,000 Total Income$ 78,221 Uses / Expenses Accounting$ 825 Meeting Expenses$ 1,874 Professional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sources / Income Balance January 22,2010$ 28,221 Membership$ 50,000 Total Income$ 78,221 Uses / Expenses Accounting$ 825 Meeting Expenses$ 1,874 Professional Services & Expenses$ 47,950 Hosting$ 583 Hosting$ 5,000 IRS$ 3,748 Total Expenses$ 59,980 Net$ 18,241 Board Fiscal Report January 22, 2010 to June 30, 2010

2 Fiscal Update IRS Status of 501C6 approved Trade association and exist for the betterment of our members. OHT will not design, develop, software or performed services.

3 OHT Open Source Contribution Model Sources of Money Foundations Individuals Vendors Government Georgia Institute of Technology Projects Open Health Tools Resource Contributions Financial Contributions Members are not obligated for financial contribution or dues.

4 OHT Money Flow United States NHS ….. Public Funding Preferred Vendors Georgia Institute of Technology OHT Projects Vendor & OHT Project Leader (Co-Leads) Foundations Vendors Private Funding Private Contributions Task Orders “Full and Open” Set asides Veteran Owned Native American, … Grants “Full and Open” Set asides Veteran Owned Native American, … Subcontract Membership Dues Contributions Loans Award Subcontract Membership

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