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Presented by: Jesse Ellis

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1 Presented by: Jesse Ellis
Abdominal Pain Presented by: Jesse Ellis

2 Definition Abdominal pain is pain that you feel anywhere between your chest and groin.

3 Alternative names include:
Stomach pain Belly ache Abdominal cramps

4 Characteristics Abdominal pain can be sharp, dull, stabbing, cramp-like, knifelike, twisting, or piercing. Many other types of pain are possible. Abdominal pain can be brief, lasting for a few minutes, or it may persist for several hours and longer. Sometimes abdominal pain comes on strongly for a while and then lessens in intensity for a while. Sometimes abdominal pain can hurt so much that the patient may throw up, with no respite in the pain. Other times, vomiting eases the pain. Abdominal pain can make the patient want to stay in one place and not move a muscle. Or the pain can make them so restless they want to pace around trying to find "just the right position." Source: Abdominal Pain in Adults

5 Causes Excessive Gas Lactose Intolerance IBS Indigestion/Heartburn
Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD) Cholecystitis Appendicitis Bowel Obstruction Food Allergy Food Poisoning Hernia Viral Gastroenteritis Kidney Stones UTI Pancreatitis Intussusception Dissecting Aortic Aneurysm Parasite Infection (Giardia) Sickle Cell Crisis Chron’s Disease Ulcerative Colitis Endometriosis Uterine Fibroids & cysts Polycystic Kidney Disease

6 The Fantastic 4


8 Right Upper Quadrant Pain Diagnosis
Cholecystitis Hepatitis (all forms) Liver Cancer Chlamydia Cirrhosis Source:

9 Cholecystitis Inflammation of the gallbladder wall. Symptoms: Pain
Nausea Chronic pain Feels hot to touch Source:

10 Hepatitis Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Symptoms: Symptoms: Loss of appetite
Body ache Pain Headache Hepatitis B Symptoms: Loss of appetite Pain Abdominal pain Ascites Source:

11 Hepatitis continued Hepatitis D Hepatitis C Symptoms: Symptoms:
aka Delta Agent Symptoms: Loss of appetite Body ache Abdominal pain Pain Hepatitis C Symptoms: Vomiting Joint pain Itching Body ache Source:

12 Liver Cancer High mortality rate 2 Types: Symptoms: Back pain
Primary Metastatic Symptoms: Back pain Gastrointestinal bleeding Fever Shoulder pain Source:

13 Chlamydia Most commonly sexually transmitted; it is a disease caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis. Symptoms: Loss of appetite Weight loss Discharge from anus Fertility problem Source:

14 Cirrhosis Scarring of the liver and poor liver function as a result of chronic liver disease. Symptoms: Blood in stool Swollen feet Problem getting an erection Cannot sustain an erection Source:

15 Left Upper Quadrant Pain Diagnosis
Splenomegaly Hiatal Hernia Gastritis Gastric Carcinoma Cascade Stomach (congenital & rare) Gastric Ulcer Source: &

16 Splenomegaly Symptoms: Inability to eat a large meal
Pain on the upper left side of the abdomen Hiccups Source:

17 Hiatal Hernia 2 Types: Leads to GERD Sliding (M/C) Para-esophageal
Associated symptoms: heartburn regurgitation nausea

18 Gastritis Inflammation of the stomach lining. Symptoms:
Nausea or recurrent upset stomach Abdominal bloating Abdominal pain Vomiting Indigestion Burning or gnawing feeling in the stomach between meals or at night Hiccups Loss of appetite Vomiting blood or coffee ground-like material Black, tarry stools Source: WebMD

19 Gastric Carcinoma More likely w/familial history
Symptoms: (Often not due to the cancer) Discomfort or pain in the stomach area Difficulty swallowing Nausea and vomiting Weight loss Feeling full or bloated after a small meal Vomiting blood or having blood in the stool Source:

20 Gastric Ulcer Symptoms: Gastric ulcers generally cause a dull aching pain, often right after eating. Making a meal can often cause an increase in pain Eating will not relieve pain as is the case with other types of ulcers Indigestion and heartburn, or acid reflux Nagging pain in the upper abdomen area below your breastbone Episodes of nausea A noticeable loss of appetite Unplanned weight loss Another less common symptom of a gastric ulcer is that about 3 in every 10 people are woken up at night by dull ulcer pains – this usually happens 3- 4 hours after eating. Source:

21 Left Lower Quadrant Pain Diagnosis
Intussusception Sigmoid Colon Diverticulitis Ischemic Colitis

22 Intussusception Mostly occurs in babies. Symptoms:
Severe abdominal colic Screaming infant Vomiting Blood in feces Bowel obstruction Source:

23 Sigmoid Colon Diverticulitis
Rupture of the colon diverticuli Symptoms: abdominal cramping constipation diarrhea

24 Ischemic Colitis Inflammation to part of the colon that can lead to permanent damage. Symptoms: Abdominal pain, tenderness or cramping, usually localized to the lower left side of your abdomen; the onset can be sudden or gradual Low-grade fever Bright red or maroon-colored blood in your stool or, at times, passage of blood without stool A feeling of urgency to move your bowels Diarrhea Nausea Vomiting Source:

25 Right Lower Quadrant Pain Diagnosis
Appendicitis Meckel Diverticulitis Tuberculosis Infection of Terminal Ileum Whipple Disease Cecal Diverticulitis

26 Appendicitis Symptoms: Initially diffuse, poorly localized pain
Loss of appetite Nausea Vomiting

27 Meckel Diverticulitis
Occurs mostly in children under 10 years of age. Symptoms: Rectal bleeding Pain & vomiting Tiredness Weakness

28 Tuberculosis Infection of Terminal Ileum
Pathologically GI TB is characterized by inflammation and fibrosis of the bowel wall and the regional lymph nodes. Mucosal ulceration results from necrosis of Peyer patches, lymph follicles, and vascular thrombosis. At this stage of the disease, the changes are reversible and healing without scarring is possible. As the disease progresses, the ulceration becomes confluent, and extensive fibrosis leads to bowel wall thickening, fibrosis, and pseudotumoral mass lesions. Strictures and fistulae formation may occur. Source:

29 Tuberculosis Infection of Terminal Ileum
On gross pathologic examination, intestinal TB can be classified into 3 categories: The ulcerative form of TB is seen in approximately 60% of patients. Multiple superficial ulcers are largely confined to the epithelial surface. This is considered a highly active form of the disease, with the long axis of the ulcers perpendicular to the long axis of the bowel. The hypertrophic form is seen in approximately 10% of patients and consists of thickening of the bowel wall with scarring; fibrosis; and a rigid, masslike appearance that mimics that of a carcinoma. The ulcerohypertrophic form is a subtype seen in 30% of patients. These patients have a combination of features of the ulcerative and hypertrophic forms. Source:

30 Chronic ileocaecal tuberculosis Source:

31 Whipple Disease Whipple's disease is a rare bacterial infection that most often affects your gastrointestinal system. Whipple's disease interferes with normal digestion, impairing the breakdown of foods, such as fats and carbohydrates, and hampering your body's ability to absorb nutrients. In addition to affecting your intestinal tract, Whipple's disease can infect other organs, including your brain, heart, joints and eyes. Source:

32 Whipple Disease Common Symptoms: Diarrhea Abdominal cramping & pain
Weight loss Source:

33 Whipple Disease Less Common Symptoms: Low-grade fever Cough
Enlarged lymph nodes Skin darkening (hyperpigmentation) in areas exposed to the sun and in scars Discomfort while breathing, due to inflammation of the membranes lining your lungs (pleurisy) Heart murmurs Enlarged spleen Neurologic Symptoms: Difficulty walking Visual impairment, including lack of control of eye movements Seizures Confusion Memory loss Source:

34 Bilateral Upper Conditions
Acute Pancreatitis Polycystic Kidney Disease

35 Acute Pancreatitis Inflammation of the pancreas. Symptoms:
Abnormal heart rhythms Epigastric pain Aversion to food or drink Abdominal pain radiating to the back Source:

36 Polycystic Kidney Disease
Hereditary Symptoms: High blood pressure Back or side pain related to enlarged kidneys Headache Increase in the size of your abdomen Blood in your urine Frequent urination Kidney stones Kidney failure Urinary tract or kidney infections Source:

37 Normal Vs. Polycystic Kidney


39 Bilateral Lower Conditions
Ovarian problems Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Dissecting AA Spine & Pelvic problems

40 Ovarian Problems Cysts (congenital) Tumors Mumps Endometriosis
Oophritis Salpingitis Ectopic Pregnancy Source:

41 AAA Often symptomless. A deep, boring pain may be present.
Felt mainly in the middle of the abdomen. Steady pain that can be relieved by changing position. May produce abdominal pulsations. Is often found incidentally w/ Ultrasound or CT.

42 Dissecting AA Occurs when a longitudinal split appears in the lining of the aorta that separates the middle layer from the intact outer layer. 3X more common in men. More common in black men. Less common among Asians. ¾ occur in people between 40 & 70 yoa. Often fatal.

43 Spine & Pelvic Problems
Thoracic Disc Bulge Can be confused w/ cholecystitis and appendicitis. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Abdominal pain may be accompanied by abnormal uternine bleeding, unusual/heavy vaginal discharge, & painful urination & sexual intercourse. Other symptoms include fever, nausea, and vomiting. Sources: &

44 Consult What type of pain are you experiencing? Is the pain throughout your abdomen or is it confined to a particular area? Where in your abdomen does the pain seem to be located? What type of pain are you experiencing? Is it stabbing and severe? Is it a dull ache? When does the pain occur? Always? More often in the morning or at night? If the pain comes and goes, about how long does it last each time? Does it occur after eating certain types of foods or after drinking alcohol? During menstruation?

45 Consult How long have you had this pain?
Does the pain also radiate in your lower back, shoulder, groin or buttocks? Are you currently taking any medications or herbal supplements? Are you pregnant? Does any activity such as eating or lying on one side relieve the pain? Have you been injured recently?

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