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The most comprehensive program for NAIC analysis PMG and PERT.

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2 The most comprehensive program for NAIC analysis PMG and PERT

3 Track on-going company performance Provide comparison with your SSG expectations Alert investor of changes Help with buy/sell decisions

4 PMG and PERT Help with BUY/SELL decisions –Record and calculate quarterly growth for revenue, pre-tax income, and EPS monthly prices, P/E ratios, relative value –Graph quarterly data monthly price, P/E ratio, relative value changes in growth (PERT graphics)

5 PMG and PERT Reports (7) PMG Report and PMG Graph PERT Q and Pert Y (PERT A) PERT Graphics 1 PERT Graphics 2 PERT Summary (in Comparison Module ) 6 years of data (24 quarters)

6 (PMG) Portfolio Management Guide Tracks Company Performance (Value) Graph and Report Up to 6 years of data Relative Value history

7 PMG Data (Parts 1 and 2) From Part 3 of SSG (current and previous analysis) Average/Alert PE Buy/Sell Price Zones

8 PMG (Part 3) On-going monitoring of company’s achievements Records: Quarterly EPS and monthly price Calculates: Cumulative EPS, P/E, and relative value Records up to 6 years of data

9 PMG (Monthly Prices) Update manually from keyboard or automatically from Internet or STB-BBS

10 PMG (Part 3) Latest quarter Projected EPS P/E Relative Value Latest quarter (yellow line) set automatically or manually in Q Data window

11 PMG Graph Price (blue) Price Zone bar (blue) P/E (red) P/E Alert Bar (red) Relative Value (red) Bars are the SSG-set targets Lines indicate current value

12 PERT Quarterly & Yearly Divisions by FY Latest reported Q Graphics PERT Q and Y Track company performance (growth and profits)

13 PERT Quarterly Divisions by FY Latest Reported Q Note quarterly changes in EPS, revenue, and pre-tax income

14 PERT Yearly Shows results accumulated over 4 quarters Especially important are the three % change columns

15 PERT Graphics For the Advanced User Help visualize cumulative quarterly and yearly results Up to 6 years of data Show characteristics not easily discernable in numerical data

16 PERT Graphics 1 Shows the change in EPS, revenue, pre- tax income, and profitability Quarterly and 4Q totaled data Positive movement is good Are growths and profits maintained?

17 PERT Graphics 2 Q data show characteristics not normally apparent in yearly data Quarterly revenue, pre-tax income, and EPS 4Q totaled values Projected values (EPS)

18 Tracking Summary The SSG sets company targets (P/E and growth). PMG and PERT are used to track company on-going performance Differences from expected results should trigger a review and update of the SSG Make the buy/sell decision on the basis of an updated SSG study

19 Demonstration The most comprehensive program for NAIC analysis


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