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Networking How to Build Relationships That Count BMO Bank of Montreal ORD Leadership Conference November 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Networking How to Build Relationships That Count BMO Bank of Montreal ORD Leadership Conference November 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Networking How to Build Relationships That Count BMO Bank of Montreal ORD Leadership Conference November 2007

2 Agenda Networking goals and barriers Infomercial Visibility networking Networking strategies for day to day 10 keys to networking mastery Networking at business/social functions Action Plan

3 “Networking is the art of creatively and resourcefully tapping the market of “people resources” available to you, people who can help you in all or any aspects of your life – career, business, or personal.”

4 Networking is… Give and take Ask and offer Listen and share

5 Networking is NOT selling – networking is telling and asking!



8 Barriers to Networking I don’t have any contacts. I don’t like having other people solve my problems. It’ll appear as if I’m begging. I don’t like to use people. I feel uncomfortable networking and I lack confidence.

9 I don’t know what to say. I hate cold calls. I will owe too many favors. No one can help me. Why should they? It doesn’t work.

10 I don’t know how or where to start. I don’t have enough time to network. I’m shy. I fear rejection No one understands my real needs.


12 Tell what you do Tell your talent and successes not your title! Paint a picture of what you do best. Refrain from insider jargon. Give an example of your best work.

13 Examples: I tell people whether it’s a boy or girl. I’m a sonographer. I give away $32MM a year. I ok loans at the BMO bank on Elm St. I’m their loans officer.

14 Visibility Networking “If you aren’t appearing, you are disappearing.”

15 Networking Mastery Embrace the “Givers gain” philosophy. It’s who knows you! Work in a disciplined structure. Attend networking events. Plan your networking. Accept the teachings of a mentor. Emulate someone you admire. Have a database of resources to help other people. Keep an open mind. Make relationships a part of your life. Increase your visibility.

16 “To be a good networker you have to be a good broadcaster.” Brad Clarke, Chairman, Joint Venture Management Inc.

17 Netiquette

18 Business Card Exchange Ask for the other person’s card Read it Comment on it Put it away

19 Shaking Hands Lock in tightly Look in their eyes Pump only 2 -3 times

20 Name badges Always worn on the right side of the body or in the middle of the chest

21 Networking at Business Functions Engage Opening statement Making a comment Opening question Asking an open ended question

22 Networking at Business Functions Visit – 5-7 minutes per person Give your 30 second talk then ask for what you want. Ask about them. Disengage – do what you say you are going to do “I have to give something to Scott.” “Great to meet you, must make my rounds.”

23 “It’s not who you know, it’s who knows you.”

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