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Social Network Analysis - Lecture 1 - Dr. Stefan Siersdorfer 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Network Analysis - Lecture 1 - Dr. Stefan Siersdorfer 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Network Analysis - Lecture 1 - Dr. Stefan Siersdorfer 1

2 Logistics (1) Lecturer: Dr. Stefan Siersdorfer Teaching Assistant: Dipl-Inf. Sergiu Chelaru Lecture times: Tuesday, 10am, about 2 * 45min, 10min break, followed by 45min tutorial Weekly homework exercises Written Exam / Oral Exam: TBA Book: David Easly and Jon Kleinberg, „Networks, Crowds and Markets“, Camebridge University Press, 2010 book/ book/ Practical work (later in the course): Gephi 2

3 Logistics (2) No lecture notes; but content of the lecture will be very close to the book: – Chapters corresponding to lectures will be announced – „Look-ahead“ useful! Lecture format: mix of slides (less) and whiteboard (more) Course page: https://t3sec.rrzn.uni- (Google: social network analysis hannover)https://t3sec.rrzn.uni- Prerequisites: Basics of graphs and probabilities During the lectures: no mobile phones, laptops, etc. please 3

4 Illustrations and Empirical Results Figure Credit: Figures from Kleinberg and Easly book 4

5 Example 1: Karate Club 5

6 Example 2: Communication in Organization (HP) 6

7 Example 3: Trade between Countries 7

8 Example 4: Medieval Trading in Europe 8

9 Example 5: World Wide Web (Blogs on Presidental Election in 2004) 9

10 Giant Component Example (Romantic Relationships in High School) 10

11 Small World: Milgram Experiment 11

12 Small Wold: MS Instant Messenger 12

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