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Introducing the MPA guidebook’s Biophysical Indicators (n=10) 5th World Parks Congress, Session 3D 12 th September 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing the MPA guidebook’s Biophysical Indicators (n=10) 5th World Parks Congress, Session 3D 12 th September 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing the MPA guidebook’s Biophysical Indicators (n=10) 5th World Parks Congress, Session 3D 12 th September 2003

2 There are 5 biophysical goals… 1-Marine resources sustained or protected 2-Biological diversity protected 3-Individual species protected 4-Habitat protected 5-Degraded areas restored

3 … each with associated objectives. 1-Marine resources sustained or protected (6 associated objectives) 2-Biological diversity protected 3-Individual species protected 4-Habitat protected 5-Degraded areas restored

4 … each with associated objectives. 1-Marine resources sustained or protected 2-Biological diversity protected (7 associated objectives) 3-Individual species protected 4-Habitat protected 5-Degraded areas restored

5 … each with associated objectives. 1-Marine resources sustained or protected 2-Biological diversity protected 3-Individual species protected (4 associated objectives) 4-Habitat protected 5-Degraded areas restored

6 … each with associated objectives. 1-Marine resources sustained or protected 2-Biological diversity protected 3-Individual species protected 4-Habitat protected (4 associated objectives) 5-Degraded areas restored

7 … each with associated objectives. 1-Marine resources sustained or protected 2-Biological diversity protected 3-Individual species protected 4-Habitat protected 5-Degraded areas restored (5 associated objectives)

8 There are 10 Biophysical Indicators: B1-Focal species abundance B2-Focal species population structure B3-Habitat distribution and complexity B4-Composition and structure of the community B5-Recruitment success within the community B6-Food web integrity B7-Type, level, and return on o fishing effort B8-Water quality B9-Area showing signs of recovery B10-Area under reduced human use/impacts

9 6 focus on the biotic context… B1-Focal species abundance B2-Focal species population structure B3-Habitat distribution and complexity B4-Composition and structure of the community B5-Recruitment success within the community B6-Food web integrity B7-Type, level, and return on o fishing effort B8-Water quality B9-Area showing signs of recovery B10-Area under reduced human use/impacts

10 … including 2 at the species level… B1-Focal species abundance B2-Focal species population structure B3-Habitat distribution and complexity B4-Composition and structure of the community B5-Recruitment success within the community B6-Food web integrity B7-Type, level, and return on o fishing effort B8-Water quality B9-Area showing signs of recovery B10-Area under reduced human use/impacts

11 … 1 on habitat … B1-Focal species abundance B2-Focal species population structure B3-Habitat distribution and complexity B4-Composition and structure of the community B5-Recruitment success within the community B6-Food web integrity B7-Type, level, and return on o fishing effort B8-Water quality B9-Area showing signs of recovery B10-Area under reduced human use/impacts

12 … and 3 on community ecology. B1-Focal species abundance B2-Focal species population structure B3-Habitat distribution and complexity B4-Composition and structure of the community B5-Recruitment success within the community B6-Food web integrity B7-Type, level, and return on o fishing effort B8-Water quality B9-Area showing signs of recovery B10-Area under reduced human use/impacts

13 1 measures the ‘goods’ generated. B1-Focal species abundance B2-Focal species population structure B3-Habitat distribution and complexity B4-Composition and structure of the community B5-Recruitment success within the community B6-Food web integrity B7-Type, level, and return on o fishing effort B8-Water quality B9-Area showing signs of recovery B10-Area under reduced human use/impacts

14 There is only 1 abiotic indicator. B1-Focal species abundance B2-Focal species population structure B3-Habitat distribution and complexity B4-Composition and structure of the community B5-Recruitment success within the community B6-Food web integrity B7-Type, level, and return on o fishing effort B8-Water quality B9-Area showing signs of recovery B10-Area under reduced human use/impacts

15 2 ‘aerial’ indicators of observed ∆. B1-Focal species abundance B2-Focal species population structure B3-Habitat distribution and complexity B4-Composition and structure of the community B5-Recruitment success within the community B6-Food web integrity B7-Type, level, and return on o fishing effort B8-Water quality B9-Area showing signs of recovery B10-Area under no or reduced human impact

16 Guidebook shows which indicators overlap with which goals and objs:

17 Getting wet with the indicators… Why measuring biophysical attributes are of interest to the Banc D’Arguin National Park, Mauritania

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