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WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, HOW? Ontario Colleges. Locations.

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Presentation on theme: "WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, HOW? Ontario Colleges. Locations."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, HOW? Ontario Colleges

2 Locations

3 Gathering Information This has links to all programs and colleges in Ontario It also has important information for applying

4 Is College for you? College is a cost-effective option  With shorter program lengths, lower tuition costs, and less time in school before you can start working, college is an incredibly affordable option. Also, thousands of dollars are available in Ontario each year through scholarships, bursaries and grants. Wide program selection  College offers dedicated programs for specific areas that give you the specialized knowledge you need to succeed, and the broad choice of program types make it easy to find the right fit for you

5 Is College for you? Many locations  You can stay close to home or embark on a new journey. With almost 850 learning sites in 200 communities across the province, you’re sure to find a location that works for you. Small classes  A low student-to-teacher ratio means you aren’t just a faceless number in college. Your contributions to class discussions and projects will be seen and valued by your teachers and peers. Connected Education  Instructors connect course material to their work experiences and offer the potential of partnerships with business and industry to introduce real-world projects into the curriculum. There are co-op opportunities for many programs, and college offers you the best route to job placement in relevant, real jobs.

6 Types of Programs With close to 850 learning sites in 200 communities offering over 2,400 programs across Ontario, college programs offer diversity unmatched in Canada. Not only can you choose from a variety of study areas, but your studies can take a variety of forms.  Certificate Programs  Diploma Programs  Degree Programs  Collaborative & Joint Degree Programs  Graduate Certificate Programs  Co-op Programs  Apprenticeship Programs

7 Certificate Programs Certificate programs require the completion of two semesters (or one year) of study, as approved by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.  Examples:  Construction techniques  Heavy equipment operator  Welding  Roofing  Accounting-finance  French translating  Many more!

8 Diploma Programs Regular diploma programs require the completion of at least four semesters (or two years) of study, as approved by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. An advanced diploma is granted after three years (6 semesters) of study.  Example:  Business  PTA  Educational Assistant

9 Degree Programs Four-year academic programs offer the best of both worlds— experience gained in practice and insight found with the help of theory. Bachelor’s degree programs are reviewed by the Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board (PEQAB). More information can be found on their website: Please note that not all program types are available at all colleges and that programs vary in length. For more information on degree programs offered at Ontario colleges, visit

10 Collaborative & Joint Degree Programs Collaborative programs offer the combination of hands-on learning that colleges are known for with the more theoretical approach of university studies. Students may earn either one or two credentials— one from the college and/or one from the university.  Nursing: Conestoga and McMaster

11 Graduate Certificate Programs Building on knowledge and experience gained through previous postsecondary study, graduate certificates require a university degree or a college certificate or diploma for admission. Co-op options may also be available for these programs.

12 Co-op Programs Scheduled periods of employment in related industries within the academic year give co-op students an edge and help them to relate in-school training with real work experience. These placements are typically paid positions and are usually a requirement for graduation. Also offered are field placements, work terms, and internships. Students are usually not paid for these types of placements.

13 Apprenticeship Programs apprenticeship is a form of job training that enables you to learn by doing. As an apprentice you work under the supervision of a person skilled in the job you wish to learn. That individual teaches you how to do the work. As part of all apprenticeships, there is an in-school educational component. This educational component is provided at one of the colleges in Ontario. The 28 publicly-funded colleges of Ontario help educate more than 25,000 apprentices across the province each year. We will look at this next class!

14 College and Campus Tours Open houses and campus tours are another excellent way to get a real feel for campus life at any particular college. College Information Program (CIP) Learn more about Ontario’s 28 publicly-funded colleges through the College Information Program(CIP) events. College representatives would be only too happy to provide you with more information, and to answer any questions you may have. For a complete listing of all the CIP events download the schedule provided. CIP ScheduleCIP Schedule

15 Costs and Financing While the costs associated with post-secondary education in Ontario are considered quite reasonable in contrast with other jurisdictions, there are a number of things that ought to be considered when planning for such an expense.  Will you need some form of financial assistance to complete their college education?financial assistance  Would you like to learn more about scholarships and bursaries?scholarships bursaries  What about academic awards and grants?academic awardsgrants

16 College Tuition Fees in Ontario Below is a summary of the average cost of tuition for one academic year in an Ontario college program. Please note that these figures do not include living costs, such as rent, utilities, transportation, etc. We have also included information on ancillary fees (student activity fees, athletic fees, health insurance, etc.) as well as estimates for books and supplies.  Diploma Programs - $2,400  Graduate Certificate Programs - $3,600  Bachelor’s Degree Programs - $6,100  Collaborative Programs - $5,000  Ancillary Fees - $800  Books and Supplies - $1,300


18 How to Apply Application Fees:  For your application to be processed, the non-refundable application processing fee must be paid in Canadian funds. The fee for the application is $95. The application fee covers the application processing costs, as well as any college or program changes made to the original application. Please note that there are no exemptions from the application fee. Depending upon the type of applicant you are, other fees may apply

19 When to Apply? Apply to college as soon as the application is available in October. While there are no deadlines to apply to college in Ontario, applications received on or before the Equal Consideration Date, for programs starting in September, will be given equal consideration.Equal Consideration Date  Equal Consideration Date is Feb. 1 st ! This is particularly important for those applying to college programs that are considered highly competitive; a program for which the number of qualified applicants exceeds the number of seats for the fall term. After the Equal Consideration Date, applications are considered on a first-come, first-served basis. For programs beginning at other times of the year, please contact the individual colleges for more information about application processing dates. Contact information for each college is available on our college profile section.

20 Highly Competitive Programs Some programs offered by Ontario's colleges are considered "highly competitive", which means that there are more qualified applicants for the program than there are seats available for the fall start date. In order to be considered for admission into these programs, applicants MUST apply for these programs before the Equal Consideration Date.Equal Consideration Date Applicants will be accepted for highly competitive programs in the following priority:  Permanent residents of Ontario  Permanent residents of other provinces or territories in Canada  Applicants from other countries  For list of programs see charts-eng.pdf charts-eng.pdf

21 Accepting an Offer Colleges will begin to inform all applicants of their admissions decisions for fall programs as early as February 1. You may receive more than one offer of admission, depending on the number of colleges and/or programs to which you have applied. View your offer(s) of admission and confirm your acceptance before May 2, using your account. You can also confirm your acceptance of an offer by calling the Customer Contact Centre. You can only accept any one offer at a time. If after accepting an offer, you change your mind or receive another offer that you prefer, you may accept the new offer (after one business day) so long as you confirm the offer by the expiry date stated by the college. Each college determines its own confirmation deadline on offers made after May 2. Applicants may be notified that they do not qualify for admission at any time during the application process.

22 START NOW It is important to start looking at what you might be interested in NOW rather than in grade 12 when It COULD BE TOO LATE!

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