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English Language Examination /екзамен з англійської мови/ Class 11 For Grand Lyceum Pupils 2000-2001 School Year
Як виконати третье завдання екзаменаційних білетів з англійської мови Підготував Зобнін В.М. Вчитель ліцею “Гранд”
№1 Ви берете участь у міжнародній конференції,яка досліджує вплив молодіжної музики на стиль життя підлітків.Напишіть короткий текст свого виступу.
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, First of all, I would like to point out that music plays an important role in our everyday life.The influence of pop and rock music on young people is immense.They listen to it in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening.In other words, young people listen to modern music 24 hours a day.It goes without saying, that teenagers are trying to copy their pop and rock idols in many ways:they wear the same style of clothes;they have the same hairstyle;they speak the same language.By the way, teenagers can even improve their English if they are interested in the British or American music.But on the other hand,rock and pop musicians must feel responsible for their way of life.They should show their negative attitude to drugs, smoking and alcohol.
№2 Ви на мовних курсах у країнї, мову якої ви вивчаєте. Напишіть коротке повідомлення про важливість вивчення іноземних мов.
Well, to start with, I would like say that to know a foreign language,especially English, is of vital importance these days.Firstly, you will be able to discover a new world.There is a proverb “A new language- a new world”.Secondly,you will have more chances to have excellent education and,therefore, a very good job.Thirdly, we live in the era of information and world communication. A lot of people use the internet to find the necessary information as fast as possible.And it is next to impossible without English.The whole world is chatting now,and it is mostly chatting in English.Learning a foreign language can also be a hobby.A useful hobby,by the way.
№3 Під час вашого перебування у країні, мову якої вивчаєте, Вас запросили у театр. Напишіть коротенького листа своєму другові про цю подію.
Dear Jane, Thank you for your letter,which came the day before yesterday. I couldn’t reply yesterday because I was invited to the theatre.The theatre is in London and it is called Lyceum Theatre, which is in Wellington Street. I saw a wonderful musical there.It is one of the best musicals in the world.I’m sure you’ve heard much about it.It’s called “Jesus Christ- Superstar”.My place was in the stalls.It wasn’t far from the stage.I had a perfect view of what was happening on the stage.By the way, the stage was decorated in an unusual way. The music was excellent.At the end of the performance,when the curtain fell, there was a round of applause.At that moment I wished you had been there to feel the atmosphere of excitement and pleasure. Have you been to the theatre or cinema recently? Hope you are fine, Serge
№4 Підлітки до 18 років вимагають надання їм права на отримання прав водія. Напишіть, як ви до цього ставитесь.
Personally, I like the idea of allowing young people aged 16 to drive a car. I think they are serious enough to observe the traffic rules. We live in the age of acceleration and that’s why children grow up faster than they used to about ten years ago. They can be well-concentrated while driving a car.They usually drive carefully because they just start this experience. In some countries, for example in the USA, a driver’s license is given to children aged 16.And no-one fears that it is a bit early. Our law-makers should have the same attitude to this problem.
№5 Напишіть коротке оголошення в газету про зустріч випускників школи.
Alumni Reunion Announcement Dear Friends, Please mark your calendars!!! The Alumni Reunion Organisers are looking forward to seeing the classmates of 2000 of Grand Lyceum on Saturday, Aug.18,2001, 7-11 p.m. at Dynamo Luxe Banquet Hall. Invitations will be sent shortly!!! For info, email us at or call us at 227-25-36.
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