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GCE Taxonomic Database: A researcher-managed web database application Wade Sheldon GCE Information Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "GCE Taxonomic Database: A researcher-managed web database application Wade Sheldon GCE Information Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 GCE Taxonomic Database: A researcher-managed web database application Wade Sheldon GCE Information Manager

2 Primary Design Goals  Create database structure to store general taxonomic information (plants, animals, fungi)  Create web application to generate dynamic species lists from database  Include links to ancillary information (habitats, voucher specimen, site occurrences, photos, data sets, pubs)

3 Hidden IM Agenda  Develop framework to allow investigators to maintain database & web pages themselves  Goals:  Engage researchers in interactive IM project (inreach)  Relieve IM of additional web maintenance tasks

4 Components  Relational database (SQL Server)  3 dynamic web pages  List catalog page (with custom list selector form)  Species list page  Taxonomic details page with links to ancillary info  Web management tables in database  Forms-based UI for entering/editing taxonomic info and managing web lists and page captions (Access Data Project)

5 Database Schema (on WWW)

6 Catalog Page

7 Species List Page

8 Species Detail Page

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