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Performance Excellence at Andrews University May 31, 2001, 8:30-5:30 June 1, 2001, 8:00-Noon.

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Presentation on theme: "Performance Excellence at Andrews University May 31, 2001, 8:30-5:30 June 1, 2001, 8:00-Noon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Performance Excellence at Andrews University May 31, 2001, 8:30-5:30 June 1, 2001, 8:00-Noon

2 Today’s Agenda zWelcome, ground rules, expectations zCore Values and the Baldrige Framework zThe Andrews Profile zAssessments using five Baldrige Categories zAcademic Quality Improvement Project

3 Exercise: Core Values zSelect leader, reporter, scribe, timekeeper zBrainstorm elements of perfect organization - post-its/affinity zPersonal values zReport out zRead Core Values zTeam consensus on most important/why zReport out

4 Core Values zVisionary leadership zLearning-centered education zOrganizational and personal learning zValuing faculty, staff and partners zAgility zFocus on the future zManaging for innovation zManagement by fact zPublic responsibility and citizenship zFocus on results and creating value zSystems perspective

5 The Seven Categories zLeadership zStrategic planning zStudent, stakeholder and market focus zInformation and analysis zFaculty and staff focus zProcess management zOrganizational performance results

6 Performance Excellence Framework

7 Why Focus on Performance Excellence? zUnderstand performance, guide planning and learning opportunities zImprove organizational, department/unit and personal performance practices, capabilities and results zDeliver ever-improving value to students and stakeholders zCommunicate internally and externally

8 What Are the Benefits? zOrganizational, department, personal improvement zOrganizational focus and energy zStudent, stakeholder, faculty, staff benefit zTie-in with accreditation zCan do attitude zA strategic advantage

9 Approach zHow? Method(s) established? Appropriate? zEffectiveness and degree yRepeatable, integrated, consistently applied yImprovement cycles yBased on reliable information and data yAligned with organizational needs zBeneficial innovation and change

10 Deployment zExtent of approach applied zApproach is consistently used by appropriate areas yThink “most, many, some, few”

11 Results zOutcomes - beyond anecdotes zCurrent performance zPerformance relative to comparisons zRate and breadth zLinkage to key: ystudent/stakeholder/market requirements yorganizational challenges yprocesses

12 Exercise: The Andrews Profile zTable teams z10 minutes per flipchart zScribe responses zDiscussion

13 Format of Self-Assessment zStudent/Stakeholder/Market Focus Category - entire group zOther Categories yIndividually read elements ySelect team roles yIdentify strengths and opportunities for improvement yReport out (identify elements, “how,” “why”) zGetting to the vital few

14 Assessment of Category 3 zProcess for educational programs zDetermining student needs/expectations zUsing information from current, former, future students zImproving listening and learning methods zStakeholder needs/expectations zImproving listening and learning methods

15 Assessment of Category 3 zProcess for building relationships zContact requirements for students/stakeholders zKey measures/indicators zAccess mechanisms zComplaint management process zImproving relationships

16 Assessment of Category 3 zDetermining student and stakeholder satisfaction zFollow-up on interactions zComparing satisfaction zImproving satisfaction determination approaches

17 Assessment of Categories 1 and 2 zLeadership (Category 1) yTeams 1 and 2 zStrategic Planning (Category 2) yTeams 3 and 4

18 Assessment of Categories 5 and 6 zFaculty and Staff Focus (Category 5) yTeams 1 and 3 zProcess Management (Category 6) yTeams 2 and 4

19 HLC’s AQIP zForces for change yManagement yFailure prevention and success yAccountability yInformation and knowledge yCompetition yPartnerships and collaboration yShort response cycles yContinuous improvement view

20 HLC’s AQIP: Philosophy zVoluntary, alternative process zConcentrate on the academic enterprise, involve faculty more directly zProvide concrete feedback to enable institutions to reach higher performance levels zReduce intrusiveness, cost, slower cycles of improvement

21 HLC’s AQIP: Philosophy zReplace “one-size fits all” approach zRecognize and celebrate institutional distinctiveness and outstanding achievements zSupply public with more understandable, useful information concerning the quality and value of accredited colleges and universities

22 HLC’s AQIP: Criteria

23 HLC’s AQIP: Process

24 HLC’s AQIP: Distinctions zPerformance improvement yNine criteria yProcesses, outcomes, value added ySeparate criteria for various work processes yResults in each criterion zOngoing cycle based on feedback

25 HLC’s AQIP: Distinctions zCollaboration zAlignment with state, national programs zExclusively higher education focus  Institutional support services

26 Today’s Agenda zReport Out, Categories 5 and 6 zAssessment, Categories 4 and 7 zReview of Key Strengths and Opportunities for Improvement zQ and A, Discussion

27 Assessment of Categories 4 and 7 zInformation and Analysis (Category 4) yTeams 1 and 4 zOrganizational Performance Results (Category 7) yTeams 2 and 3

28 Self-Assessment Themes zKey Strengths zKey Opportunities for Improvement

29 Why Focus on Performance Excellence? zTo manage performance, planning, training and assessment zFor diagnostic purposes - systems approach to learning and improvement via established set of criteria zTo foster broad involvement zTo learn and evolve

30 What Does It Take? zA focus on process zA focus on information and analysis zA focus on evaluation and improvement zA focus on results zA focus on people zA long-term commitment

31 Some Assumptions zAssumption 1: Two viewpoints y“Accountability?*&^%$” xCan’t measure, they make us do it, it takes extra time, it’s an add-on, it will pass y“Let’s keep improving!” xWe can measure, we should do this for our students and stakeholders, this is already part of what we do yAssumption 2: This takes commitment, alignment, integration and time

32 Some Assumptions zAssumption 3: Change via change agents, planned training and education, recognition zAssumption 4: Focus on the entire university through faculty/staff zAssumption 5: Simplify - mission driven zAssumption 6: It’s a culture

33 Final Questions zMost important thing learned? zWhat questions still remain? zNext steps? yThe vital few y Action plans

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