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Today’s Agenda  Discuss use of rhetorical devices in MLK’s “I Have a Dream”  Notes on and discuss: Flawed persuasive techniques Creating an extremely.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Agenda  Discuss use of rhetorical devices in MLK’s “I Have a Dream”  Notes on and discuss: Flawed persuasive techniques Creating an extremely."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Agenda  Discuss use of rhetorical devices in MLK’s “I Have a Dream”  Notes on and discuss: Flawed persuasive techniques Creating an extremely flawed website illustrations (include and label 6 of the flawed techniques discussed in class)  Look at sample reviews and discuss format again  HOMEWORK: Be ready to draft your articles in class tomorrow KYCE Friday (Morgan) I highly recommend Cheddar BBQ flavored Pringles. ?

2 Logical Arguments  Logical arguments are statements made up of opinions which can be supported by REASONS and EVIDENCE.  Succeeds with… Reasons - statements that justify or support an action or belief. Evidence - language consisting of facts, opinions, statistics, examples, anecdotes, or quotations, etc., to support a reason.

3 Flawed Persuasive Techniques Testimonial  This technique uses the transfer method of persuasion. An authoritative source or celebrity will endorse a product, and the advertisers hope to make positive connections or transfers between you, the celebrity and the product. You buy because you want to be like the endorser.  [Example] Pro athletes that endorse Nike: If you buy/wear these shoes, you’ll be like them.

4 Flawed Persuasive Techniques Bandwagon  This is a technique that encourages people to act because everyone else is doing so. It plays on our fear of being left out. Example: “Everyone is dressing up on Classy Wednesday. If you don’t want to be the only one left out, you need to join in.”

5 Flawed Persuasive Techniques Card Stacking  Presenting only partial information which gives an inaccurate or slanted impression. Example: “Vote for Phil Davison for Stark County treasurer because he has several Master’s Degrees.” (Not said: He is nuts.)

6 Flawed Persuasive Techniques Loaded Language/Name Calling  Words that create a strong positive or negative attitude--toward a person, group, product or thing--through the effect of the words’ connotations. (Ex: pushy vs. confident) Example: “Do you really want some Socialist Muslim running our country?”

7 Flawed Persuasive Techniques Circular Reasoning  What may look like a reason is simply restating the speaker’s opinion. Example: “Our dress code should be abolished because dress codes should be abolished in the modern world.”

8 Flawed Persuasive Techniques Stereotypes Example: All tall people play basketball. A biased belief or attitude about an entire group of people, based on insufficient evidence.

9 Flawed Persuasive Techniques Faulty Reasoning  Begging the Question: Assumptions that imply the truth of a statement before it is proven. EXAMPLE: “You need to be wide awake during your exams, so be sure to drink lots of caffeine and you’ll get a good grade.”  Irrelevant Evidence: Impressive information that may have nothing to do with the argument being made. EXAMPLE: “The merchandise at Designer Mart is top quality; the products are shipped from all over the world.”

10 Flawed Persuasive Techniques Faulty Reasoning [cont.]  False Premise: An implied starting point for an argument or case which is an untrue, distorted, or unproven assumption. EXAMPLE: “The teachers at this school are the best in the county….The students’ standardized test scores are top notch.”

11 Flawed Persuasive Techniques Activity  What is a topic that you are passionate about, but is not controversial? [best pizza place, best movie ever made, favorite sports team, favorite band, least favorite band, etc.] SIX  Use SIX of the flawed persuasive techniques we discussed today to create a poster, brochure, etc. that supports your claim.  Be sure that each of the techniques is clearly labeled and explained [on back, separate piece of paper, etc.].

12 Writing a Review: Format  Paragraph #1: an attention grabbing introduction  Pargraph #2: clearly state your stance on the item being reviewd  Paragraphs #3-5: give three reasons why you liked it [actor’s performance, writing, particular song, service, etc.]  Paragraphs #6-8: give a brief summary [avoid temptation to use work of others here]  Paragraph #9: conclusion

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