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The Balanced Scorecard

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Presentation on theme: "The Balanced Scorecard"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Balanced Scorecard
A Performance Measurement Tool

2 The Balanced Scorecard What is it?
Provides stakeholders with a comprehensive measure of how the organization is progressing towards the achievement of its strategic goals Provides a framework for communicating strategy in operating terms (measurements and targets) Balances financial and non-financial measures Balances short and long-term measures

3 The Balanced Scorecard What is it?
Balances performance drivers (leading indicators) with outcome measures (lagging indicators) Should contain just enough data to give a complete picture of organizational performance… and no more Leads to strategic focus and organizational alignment

4 The Balanced Scorecard Why do it?
To achieve strategic objectives To provide quality with fewer resources To eliminate non-value added efforts To align customer priorities and expectations with the customer To track progress To evaluate process changes To continually improve To increase accountability

5 The Strategy Focused Organization
Mission – What the company does Vision – What it aspires to be Strategies – How it accomplishes goals Measures – Indicators of progress

6 The Balanced Scorecard and The Big Picture
Activity Based Costing Economic Value Added Forecasting Benchmarking Market Research Best Practices Six Sigma Statistical Process Control Reengineering ISO 9000 Total Quality Management Empowerment Learning Organization Self-Directed Work Teams Change Management

To satisfy our constituents, what financial & regulatory objectives must we accomplish? CUSTOMER To achieve our vision, what customer needs must we serve? INTERNAL To satisfy our customers and stakeholders, in which business processes must we excel? LEARNING & GROWTH To achieve our goals, how must we learn, communicate and grow?

8 The Four Perspectives Financial: Represents financial outcomes (profits, revenues, etc.) Customer: Enables financial results (service, image, price, quality, etc.) Internal Processes: The values added to customers, such as delivery, production, distribution, etc. Learning & Growth: The people, systems, and organization that enable processes


10 Measurements For each strategic objective, there is one measurement
Measurement provides feedback on meeting the strategic objective Most organizations will use many of their existing measurements Organizations requiring major change should include driver type measurements

11 Measurement Criteria Measurements should drive change, providing teeth to the strategy Measurements define objectives in specific terms A good measurement should link to the objective Measurements should be repeatable, quantifiable, and verifiable

12 Customer Perspective To achieve our vision, what customer needs
must we serve? Possible Performance Measures Customer satisfaction survey scores Response time to customer service Market share

13 Financial / Regulatory Perspective
To satisfy our constituents, what financial and regulatory objectives must we accomplish? Possible Performance Measures Cost per unit ROE / ROA Percentage increase in revenues Budget projections

14 Internal Perspective To satisfy our customers, in which business
processes must we excel? Possible Performance Measures Cycle time Down time Testing time Completion rate Government approval Transactions per employee Errors or rework

15 Learning and Growth To achieve our goals and accomplish core activities, how must we learn, communicate and work together? Possible Performance Measures Employee satisfaction Retention and turnover Training hours and resources Technology investment

16 Why Measure? To determine how effectively and efficiently the process or service satisfies the customer To identify improvement opportunities To make decisions based on FACTS and DATA

17 Measurements Should: Translate customer expectations into goals
Evaluate the quality of processes Track improvement Focus efforts on customers Support strategies

18 Targets “If you don’t know where you’re going, you may go somewhere else.” Yogi Berra

19 Targets Targets need to be set for all measures
Should have a “solid basis” Give personnel something for which to aim If achieved will transform the organization Must be achievable; be careful not to develop measures/targets in a fragmented approach: e.g., Asking people to increase customer satisfaction has to be backed up with the knowledge, tools, and means to achieve that target

20 For Year Ended December 31, 2014
Expanded Scorecard ABC Company Balanced Score Card For Year Ended December 31, 2014 Strategic Objective Measure Target Initiative Financial Customer Process Learning & Growth


22 The Balanced Scorecard as a Management System
The BSC is a “Living Document” that requires regular revision of objectives and measures Assessment of success is based on DATA… not opinions or gut feelings

23 Benefits of the BSC Simple to Use and Understand
Based on Vision and Strategy Multidimensional Quantitative and Qualitative Measures Current and Future Provides Measurement of and Method for Improving Products/Services Serves as a Communication Tool

24 The Balanced Scorecard
A Performance Measurement Tool

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