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Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings DAY 2 Session 3 How Goals can be achieved through Objectives.

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1 Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings DAY 2 Session 3 How Goals can be achieved through Objectives

2 Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings Learning Outcomes At the end of this session participants should be able to: Understand the role of objectives in achieving goals. Write objectives for the goals of their development proposal that are specific, measurable, achievable and timed. Outcomes for participants

3 Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings Objectives are specific tasks that must be accomplished in total, or in some combination, to achieve the goals in the plan/proposal. The strategies (or methods to reach the goals) are chosen with a view to their affordability, practicality and efficiency. In order to be effective, objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timed. How goals can be achieved via objectives

4 Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings Goal: To improve membership satisfaction with the association’s services in the next year. Objective: By the end of the year, to conduct a member satisfaction survey of services offered by the association and to determine interest in potential new services. Note that the objective above meets the requirement of being specific, measurable, realistic and time-bound. Example

5 Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings The goals we formulated to result in this outcome were: To survey members and affiliates to establish which training/professional development is needed most. To design a series of training/professional development programmes based on the results of the survey using relevant BSLA materials. To source trainers with appropriate skills and expertise to deliver the programme. To advertise the programme and enrol members and/or affiliates. To evaluate the programme and its potential benefits. Improved educational opportunities for members and affiliates

6 Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings Outcome – to improve educational opportunities for members and affiliates Goal 1: To survey members and affiliates to establish which training/professional development is needed most. Objective 1: By mid-year, to design a member survey to establish training/professional development priorities. Objective 2: By the end of the year, to have administered and analysed the survey and communicated results to members/affiliates. Example: goals and objectives for a professional education programme using BSLA materials

7 Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings Goal 2: To design a series of training/professional development programmes based on the results of the survey using relevant BSLA materials. Objective 1: Work with IFLA to source a trainer, relevant BSLA training materials and resources and a suitable training venue (s). This is to be done in the first 2 months of the year. Objective 2: Based on the funds available and the survey results, establish how often training to address the top priority training area can be offered and where (only in the capital city or in different regions?) This is to be achieved in the first two months of the year. Objective3: By the end of the first quarter, plan and promote the first in a series of training/professional development programmes utilising the highest priority area revealed by the survey.

8 Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings Outcome: to improve benefits to attract and retain association members. Goal 1: To publicise the professional development programme as part of membership recruitment activities. Objective 1: Before the next membership recruitment drive, update recruitment brochures to include information about the professional development programme. Objective 2: By mid-year, update the Association’s membership services publications, publicity materials and website to include information about and promote the professional development programme. Example 2

9 Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings Goal 2: To promote the benefits of undertaking the professional development programme to members and affiliates. Objective 1: Once the relevant publicity materials and the website have been updated to include information about the professional development programme (mid-year), undertake a campaign to promote the programme to members and potential members. Objective 2: By mid-year, to formulate a statement to be included on the website and in publicity materials/promotions which outlines the benefits of undertaking the professional development programme for members and for their client communities.

10 Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings From the list of goals for the development of a professional education programme based on the use of BSLA materials, three goals have not yet been addressed. These are to: Source trainers with appropriate skills and expertise to deliver the programme. Advertise the programme and enrol members and/or affiliates. Evaluate the programme and its potential benefits. Work in pairs to draft an objective (or two) for at least one of these remaining three goals using the performance measurement template as a guide. Small Group Activity using the performance measurement template as a guide

11 Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings Review the SWOT template you completed earlier in your small regional groups to identify priorities for your region and analyse ways in which you could collaborate more to achieve these priorities. Write a goal and a supporting objective (or two) for this outcome. Small Regional Group Activity

12 Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings Work in your association or regional teams to write objectives for the intended goal(s) of your own proposal Association team work on development proposal

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