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How and Why is Australian Politics Important Tony Abbott.

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2 How and Why is Australian Politics Important Tony Abbott

3 It is important to remember that, in our democratic system, the role of politicians is to represent us. By electing them, we give them the power to make decisions and laws on our behalf. In the parliamentary arena, political parties provide the government and opposition. The party or parties which wins a majority of seats in the lower house, the House of Representatives, forms the government. The party or parties which win the second largest number of seats becomes the Opposition. Continue

4 Members of Parliament are elected for a term of three years using the ‘preferential’ voting system. Under this system, the candidate who ultimately wins the majority of votes is elected. Politics help Australia a lot by doing lots of stuff e.g. Make laws- laws for bills, laws for making stuff in Australia to help the country, make dissention for a lot of stuff- changing the country-making school hours longer or shorter, or making school, be on Saturday and Sunday-and much more other stuff.

5 Thanks For Watching

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