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Mrs. Williams Korea. Limited War A limited war is a conflict in which weapons used or nations or territories involved are restricted in some way Truman.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Williams Korea. Limited War A limited war is a conflict in which weapons used or nations or territories involved are restricted in some way Truman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Williams Korea

2 Limited War A limited war is a conflict in which weapons used or nations or territories involved are restricted in some way Truman and the UN were hoping that the Korean War would be a limited war Keep Soviets out No nuclear war Public Opinion Truman felt that all fighting should be handled on the ground first and that Mutually Assured Destruction was not an option

3 Background The Korean War seemed to be a war between North and South but that would have been to simple John D Clare claims “ The Korean War was the time when the Cold War became a global conflict.” John J. McGrath wrote “The Korean War was the first major armed clash between Free World and Communist forces, and the so-called Cold War turned hot.” Japan surrendered occupation of Korea in 1945 The country was then divided at the 38 th parallel; North Korea (led by Kim Il Sung) was communist South Korea (led by Syngman Rhee) was capitalist

4 Background Continued 1947 Soviets and US divided Korea with US handing the South over to the United Nations 1948 UN held elections in the South and Syngman Rhee was elected US Sec of Defense, Dean Acheson gave an address to the Washington Club about a “defense perimeter” in which Korea was not mentioned Soviet and US forces withdrew Soviets armed North Korea US left the South unprotected

5 Causes The US went to war for three main reasons: Domino theory: China turned Communist 1949, Truman feared Korea would be next, then Japan.. Capitalism and Trade: Truman felt that freedom and economic trade were being targeted if communism spread World Domination: Communism could be challenged while avoiding hostility with USSR

6 Causes continued In 1949, Kim Il Sung visited Stalin and Mao. In 1950, Syngaman Rhee boasted that he was going to invade North Korea, later that year North Korea invaded South Korea The UN Army, led by General MacArthur, went to Korea. MacArthur took South Korea and held back the North. This alarmed the Chinese. 200k troops arrived with Soviet weapons and then 500k a couple of months later. These troops drove the Americans back. MacArthur asked Truman to use the atomic bomb. In 1951, Eisenhower took office and he made a formal truce.

7 This cartoon by the British cartoonist David Low, from the Daily Herald (30 Jun 1950), shows Truman and the United Nations rushing to Korea’s aid.

8 Practices

9 Pictures obtained from pleman/Korean_War_Photos _of_1951.htm Picture 1: 80 mm Howitzer Picture 2: 105mm self- propelled Howitzer manned by five soldiers from Wyoming Picture 3:Bunker created by enemy mortar

10 Practices US Weaponry: Howitzers Machine Guns Bazookas Flame-throwers Riffles Mortars Grenades Tanks Planes Soviet/Communist Weaponry: Chemical Weapons Machine Gun Mortars Riffles Grenades Armored vehicles Self-propelled weaponry Tanks Planes (?)

11 Practices continued Roads were clogged with refugees US Airpower and Soldiers Nuclear power was feared Trench warfare in Panmunjam in 1951

12 Five phases of the Korean War June to September 1950: North Koreans attack with success. June 27 Americans convince the United Nations to support South Korea. American troops are sent to Korea. September to November 1950: MacArthur led an amphibious landing in North Korea. 300k UN troops over 260k were American November 1950 to February 1951: 200k Chinese troops attacked with Soviet weapons. 300k more Chinese troops drove back the Americans February to March 1951: UN claims that a million Chinese were dead and 54k Americans were dead. Americans drove the Chinese back. March 1951 to 1953: MacArthur publically ridiculed Truman. Eisenhower is elected and convinces China to agree to a truce.

13 Effects Eisenhower drafts a truce but no treaty was ever signed End of democratic control with Eisenhower’s election Causualties

14 Map

15 Works Cited Pictures obtained from of_1951.htm

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