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Large increase in cloud drop concentrations and albedo over sea surfaces colder than 7°C Daniel Rosenfeld, Tom Goren, David Giguzin The Hebrew University.

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Presentation on theme: "Large increase in cloud drop concentrations and albedo over sea surfaces colder than 7°C Daniel Rosenfeld, Tom Goren, David Giguzin The Hebrew University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Large increase in cloud drop concentrations and albedo over sea surfaces colder than 7°C Daniel Rosenfeld, Tom Goren, David Giguzin The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

2 Wm -2 -50 -30 0 30 50 Absorbed Shortwave Radiation Mean Error – CMIP5


4 SOCRATES hypotheses for explaining the error 1.Too little low water clouds 2.Wrong cloud microphysics 3.Wrong aerosol transport 4.Persistent supercooled water clouds without freezing 5.Remote sensing errors Yes for 1-4, But why? Zabori et al., ACP 2012 SST Sea spray N

5 The research questions 1.How do SST, wind speed (WS) and marine productivity (P) affect cloud drop number concentrations (N d )? 2.How does N d affect cloud solar radiative effect (CRE)? Data sources: N d – retrieved from MODIS WS – retrieved from scaterometers SST – NOAA/ESRL daily SST product P – Oregon State U. Ocean Productivity page

6 SST SST, Wind Speed, Productivity 4622 scenes of 100x100 km

7 N d does not depend on WS N d cm -3

8 N d increases with colder SST, with no effect of WS

9 N d decreases with productivity ?! The increase of N d with colder SST is dominant.

10 SST>7°C SST<7°C WS N d cm -3 N d increases with colder SST, with no effect of WS

11 Normalized number size distributions for winter experiments resulting from bubble bursting of sea water at different temperatures (reproduced from Figure 11 of Zabori et al., ACP 2013). Strong winds particles and are capable of rising larger particles to cloud base, which lower supersaturation and suppress the activation of the added smaller particles into cloud drops, regardless of the concentrations of the small particles.




15 Negative Solar Cloud Radiative Effect increases with N d Cloud Fraction increases with N d



18 Variab le SST<7 ° CSST>7 ° C Mean s diff NMeanSENMeanSE Nd194393.91.0267957.60.736.3 CRE1943-110.51.02679-79.41.1-31.1 CF19430.740.00726790.600.0070.14

19 Variab le SST<7 ° CSST>7 ° C Mean s diff NMeanSENMeanSE Nd194393.91.0267957.60.736.3 CRE1943-110.51.02679-79.41.1-31.1 CF19430.740.00726790.600.0070.14  CRE= -23 Wm -2 -23/-31≈3/4  75% of the Nd effect on CRE is mediated by increasing CF, i.e., cloud lifetime effect.

20 Conclusions 1.The dependence of N d on SST explains enhanced solar reflectance of ~30 Wm -2 in the high latitudes of the Southern Oceans. 2.Effects of wind speed and productivity are not obvious. 3.The enhanced N d occurs probably due to the increased sub-micron sea spray particles at the colder SST. The physical reason for that has yet to be discovered. 4.Most (3/4) of the effect of N d on CRE is mediated through the cloud lifetime effect, by suppressing coalescence and glaciation. Only 1/4 remains for the cloud brightening effect by the added N d. 5.This might explain also the abundance of supercooled cloud water in the Southern Oceans. 6.The found effect matches the missing solar reflectance in the GCMs. The SST effect might be the missing process in the models.


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