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Trailer Analysis on Dystopian By George Rose. Trailer analysis - Day After tomorrow Mise-en-scene: In the trailer it shows the devastation that s going.

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Presentation on theme: "Trailer Analysis on Dystopian By George Rose. Trailer analysis - Day After tomorrow Mise-en-scene: In the trailer it shows the devastation that s going."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trailer Analysis on Dystopian By George Rose

2 Trailer analysis - Day After tomorrow Mise-en-scene: In the trailer it shows the devastation that s going on around America. They show hurricanes, tsunamis, massive ice shows to show the unnatural weather and what is happening to the world. It uses news reports to show that it is all over the news an its all people are talking about. This draws the audience in to show the disturbances in the equilibrium. In the trailer all of the images are dark. This shows devastation and the darkness which is happening in the film.

3 Trailer analysis - Day After tomorrow Sound: The sound used in the trailer is diegetic sound and non diegetic sound. For example the news reports and the screaming and the people talking are all diegetic sounds. Whereas the thunderstorms. Tsunamis crashing are all non diegetic sounds. Editing: This trailer is done by showing quick clips of all the devastation that is happening. Its done as a news report, showing all the natural disasters. Its got words on screen that say ‘one storm’ ‘changed the face of our planet’ this draws in the audience because they want to see the effects of the storm and for them to see what could really happen. This is a good way to shock the audience

4 Trailer analysis - Day After tomorrow Clips in the trailer: The show loads of different clips in the first minute to draw in the audience. It shows all the natural disasters. In the second half of the trailer it shows us all about the storm. How to keep others sae and it shows us that the story is going to be about jack getting to his son Sam who is in Manhattan. Post modern elements: This shows the audience things that they wont normally see. For example all of the storms. This leaves the audience with suspension of disbelief.

5 Trailer analysis – 28 days later Clips in the trailer: There are many clips in this trailer but it doesn’t give much of the story away. It shows brief things which have happened. Its shows the devastation and the. Its don’t long shots on London which is now abandoned and close ups of the mans face to see the emotion. Most of the shots are short and it gives you a little flash of the image. Its doing this because it wants to show what has happened in the world. Editing: The editing is clever in this trailer because for the first 30 seconds of the trailer it shows what happened as the days went by for example on the first day exposure, day 3 infection and so on. They made most of the shots dark to show the scary side of the film as well. The shots come in and out quick so that is shows all this stuff is happening to shock and scare the audience

6 Trailer analysis – 28 days later Mise-en-scene: In this trailer the locations and props they use are blood, hospitals and explosions. The blood shows the devastation and the horror part of the trailer and how all of this happened and how it infected the human race. The explosions show that everything has gotten out of control and that no one can do anything about it apart from blow parts up where they know the infected are. The man wakes up in the hospital to find it has been abandoned. This just shows that in a busy place nothing is happening and he is alone. In the trailer the word ‘infected’ is said a lot so the audience knows how all this happened

7 Trailer analysis – 28 days later Sound: In the 28 days later trailer they only use diegetic sounds from the film such as screaming and the shouts from the infected this makes the audience see what has happened and for them to fell just as scared as the actor. Post modern elements: In 28 days later there are two main characters from what I can see from the trailer. In the trailer it shows a man who is scared and defenceless and a woman who is ready to fight. She helps the man through the infection and guides him through it. This is a good way that the trailer shows a strong female lead.

8 I Am Legend – Trailer analysis In this shot it shows the devastation of New York city, it shows that it is abandoned and everything has been destroyed by a virus created to prevent cancer that has some nasty side effects. The colour is dull and dark. This gives off the cold feeling when you know something bag happened. The sound in this part of the trailer. Is sad, depressing music to show that human civilisation has been wiped out. This shows his daily routine as he cant do much else as there is no one left in New York. The music is still sad and depressing through the whole trailer until towards the end the music begins to get more intense.

9 I Am Legend – Trailer Analysis This shows that at night something bad this scene it shows a worried look on will smiths face when his alarm on his watch goes off, it shows him closing these steel protectors on his windows so what ever is out there is aware of his presence. Once the word night comes out the music suddenly stops. This gives off the effect that what ever happens at night is something that will wants to be no part of. As it says on there screen shot survive. This is a scene showing will and is dog (Sam) in the bath tub looking scared. Will is holding a gun for protecting. In this scene the sound is off everything outside of these mutated humans that took the cure that went wrong. The scene is dark to show the evil darkness that lurks outside.

10 I am legend – Trailer analysis This scene shows that Will has been fighting as he is sweating, and has another gun for protection. It’s a dark room and the sound it still that intense and its starting to speed up to show equilibrium. All of these shots are medium close ups. This shows the emotion that he is feeling. This scene in the same above but comes into the trailer a little bit later. In the scene will shouts ‘I can help you, I can fix this, let me save you!’ this gives you that intense feeling that you aren't sure what is going to happen at this point in the film. This scene shows the first clear look on what has happened to the human race and what it has done to them. The music suddenly stops in this scene and all you can hear it the mutant doing this loud rawr/breathing and then it shows a close up shot of wills and this mutants face to show the fear in Wills eyes

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