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Mark 4:35-5:43 Jesus the re-creator. 1.Jesus calms disasters (4:35-41)

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Presentation on theme: "Mark 4:35-5:43 Jesus the re-creator. 1.Jesus calms disasters (4:35-41)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mark 4:35-5:43 Jesus the re-creator

2 1.Jesus calms disasters (4:35-41)

3 Mark 4:35-5:43 Jesus the re-creator 1.Jesus calms disasters (4:35-41) 2. Jesus casts out demons (5:1-20)

4 Mark 4:35-5:43 Jesus the re-creator 1.Jesus calms disasters (4:35-41) 2. Jesus casts out demons (5:1-20) 3. Jesus cures diseases (5:25-34)

5 Mark 4:35-5:43 Jesus the re-creator 1.Jesus calms disasters (4:35-41) 2. Jesus casts out demons (5:1-20) 3. Jesus cures diseases (5:25-34) 4. Jesus conquers death (5:21-24, 35-43)

6 Mark 4:35-5:43 Jesus the re-creator Jesus is the re-creator of ALL THINGS

7 Mark 4:35-5:43 Jesus the re-creator Jesus is the re-creator of ALL THINGS Therefore…. 1.You can’t solve the world’s problems

8 Mark 4:35-5:43 Jesus the re-creator Jesus is the re-creator of ALL THINGS Therefore…. 1.You can’t solve the world’s problems 2. There is some who can fix everything

9 Mark 4:35-5:43 Jesus the re-creator Jesus is the re-creator of ALL THINGS Therefore…. 1.You can’t solve the world’s problems 2. There is some who can fix everything 3. When you face the problems of the world you can stand firm

10 Mark 4:35-5:43 Jesus the re-creator Jesus is the re-creator of ALL THINGS Therefore…. 1.You can’t solve the world’s problems 2. There is some who can fix everything 3. When you face the problems of the world you can stand firm 4. You have something far greater waiting for you


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