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The Byzantine Empire Preserving the Legacy of Rome Agenda ► Byzantine Packet - finish ► Reading/Outline.

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1 The Byzantine Empire Preserving the Legacy of Rome Agenda ► Byzantine Packet - finish ► Reading/Outline

2 The Byzantine Empire ► Eastern Empire did NOT fall in 476. ► Fought off the barbarians and held together- Centered at Constantinople ► Will become the dominant force in the eastern Mediterranean from 476-1453

3 The Eastern Empire

4 After Rome Falls ► Constantinople is alone- their allies disappear. ► Consider themselves the guardians of Roman glory, but evolve, becoming a new culture

5 What Stays the Same ► For 100s of years think of themselves as “Romans”- try very hard to preserve ► Basic structure of the government (Emperor/Senate)‏ ► Same military structure. ► Still like order, structure, etc.... ► Everyday life ► Trade- become VERY wealthy- with a high standard of living.

6 What Changes ► Greater emphasis on Greek (rather than Latin) culture- even in language ► Try to recreate a “polis” rather than “empire” feeling- personal connection ► Emperor shares power in government ► Education more prized- trying to save what is being destroyed in Rome.

7 Justinian ► Most famous Byzantine Emperor. (527-565)‏ ► First to realize that they are NOT Rome anymore (though he reconquered a lot of territory temporarily) they need to create their OWN cultural identity. ► Famous Justinian Code- took all laws of Rome and reworked into categories  Important idea is that the law applies to everyone and is above everything- key idea in our legal system

8 Justinian and Theodora ►.►.►.►.

9 Strengths of Empire ► Constantinople has an excellent defensive position (golden horn)‏ ► Built massive Triple walls- with farmland and fresh water inside to withstand siege. ► Built up navy- used that as primary defense ► Greek fire- legendary weapon- a liquid that could be sprayed and set on fire- water doesn't extinguish.

10 The Triple Walls



13 Trade ► Again- back to older Greek traditions, international trade as basis of economy (Rome's trade was internal)‏ ► End of Silk Road- gave them huge advantage ► Bridge between Europe and Asia- trade with both- make $$ from both

14 Byzantine Christianity ► Emperor is also patriarch of city (caesaropapism)which gives him political and religious power. Sent missionaries to convert people north and east. ► Common to Pray at home using Icons- which causes argument with Pope in Rome ► Create their own church- Eastern Orthodox. Shows they are not Romans anymore

15 Decline and Fall ► Constantinople was vibrant, and alone. Surrounded by enemies- chipping away at their territory. ► Biggest threat came from new religion- Islam, which began sweeping through the area around 700. ► They fight and fight, but each war takes resources and manpower. (Crusades)‏ ► Finally overwhelmed by Ottoman Turks 1453

16 Decline and Fall

17 Why is this important? ► Preserve and continue the cultures of Greece and Rome. That way, when Europe is ready, they can rediscover their lost heritage. ► Provide a bridge between Europe and Asia- open to and interested in many things- pass them on to others.

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