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Flavius Valerius Constantinus, also known by many as Constantine, was born on February 27 and spent his early years growing up in the Eastern Roman Empire.

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2 Flavius Valerius Constantinus, also known by many as Constantine, was born on February 27 and spent his early years growing up in the Eastern Roman Empire. His parents were separated.

3 It is said that right before a battle for control over Rome, Constantine saw an image of a cross, and decided to put the Christian Cross on his soldiers armor. After he won the battle, he credited the Christian god with his victory.

4 After the battle in which Constantine credited the Christian God for helping him win, he declared an end to the persecution of Christians, which is known as the Edict of Milan.

5 In 330 AD, Constantine moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium, which Was strategically placed between the West and the East. Byzantium was later Renamed Constantinople, which shifted Power to the East. Constantinople Eventually crumbled.

6  emperor+constantine emperor+constantine  Ancient World History Textbook

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