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Joint OECD/ONS/Government of Norway workshop ”Measurement of non-market output in education and health” Measuring government output and productivity: meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Joint OECD/ONS/Government of Norway workshop ”Measurement of non-market output in education and health” Measuring government output and productivity: meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint OECD/ONS/Government of Norway workshop ”Measurement of non-market output in education and health” Measuring government output and productivity: meeting the need for more timely, detailed and better quality data on government expenditure Vanna Aldin UK Centre for the Measurement of Government Activity London, Brunei Gallery, October 3 – 5, 2006

2 Outline Why is government expenditure data important in measuring government output and productivity The Atkinson Review on UK government expenditure data Recent UK developments on UK government expenditure data Next steps for further improving the UK data

3 Why is government expenditure data important in measuring government output and productivity To calculate volume output measures weights from current government expenditure are needed Government expenditure data are used as inputs in the productivity equation: level of detail, disaggregation, quality

4 The Atkinson Review on UK govt expenditure data: main recommendations –ONS and Treasury to provide transparency on the content and processing of the data in the data supply chain, by providing a “clear line of sight” up and down the supply chain; –ONS and Treasury to make the best use of the introduction of the Combined On-line Information System (COINS) the new Treasury database in order to improve the quality of the data supply –Departments to take responsibility of the accuracy of the data they feed through into National Accounts; –ONS and Treasury to work together with the Department for Communities and Local Government and Devolved Administration to improve the accuracy of data classification, the timeliness and periodicity of data delivery for National Accounts purposes.

5 Recent developments on UK govt expenditure data Introduction of a single data system, COINS, that produces data for the National Accounts with the results of: –Improved transparency in the data flow and process –Improved consistency in the allocation of expenditure data into economics and COFOG (Classification of the Functions of Government) categories Departments are more aware of the importance of the quality of the data they supply into COINS Proposals have been put forward to ensure Departments take responsibility at the highest level for the quality of their data Improved periodicity and classification of Local Government data

6 How UKCeMGA contributed to the successful implementation of these changes Actions plans with the Treasury, DCLG and relevant departments Established strong working relationship with Treasury teams developing COINS Established strong working relationship with National Accounts within ONS Set up and actively engaged in High Level Working Groups with the Department for Communities and Local Government and local authorities representatives to agree and plan future developments aimed at improving data quality, timeliness and periodicity

7 Next steps for further improving the UK data Programme of work being planned to improve government expenditure data on procurement Ensure COINS will provide the means for transparency of departmental data Central government data by COFOG to be available into COINS by end of this year Country Regional Analysis to be available into COINS next year Introduction of Whole of Government Accounts which will provide better source for audited central government depreciation data

8 Summary Highlighted the importance of expenditure data when measuring govt output and productivity Described main issues on UK govt expenditure data, Atkinson’s recommendations and recent UK developments Highlighted the importance of correct classification of the government spending data for measuring output and productvity

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