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Sierra Leone By Maddie Eames. Information Number Population6,126,000 Birth rate38.12/1000 population Death rate2,644 per 100,000 people Total Fertility.

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Presentation on theme: "Sierra Leone By Maddie Eames. Information Number Population6,126,000 Birth rate38.12/1000 population Death rate2,644 per 100,000 people Total Fertility."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sierra Leone By Maddie Eames

2 Information Number Population6,126,000 Birth rate38.12/1000 population Death rate2,644 per 100,000 people Total Fertility rate5.0 Infant morality rate165 per 100,000 Population growth rate2.27% Gender ratio.95 males/1 female Net migration rate-3.86 Sierra Leone is located in west Africa, bordered by Guinea to the north-east and Liberia to the south-east and the Atlantic ocean to the south-west. It has a tropical climate, with environments ranging from savannah to rainforest. Controlled by a constitutional government (the law of constitution, and the declaration of independence.) It relies on mining, especially diamonds, for its main economic resource base. And it’s a major producer of gold and titanium. However, despite its natural wealth, 70% of the population live in poverty as it is characterized by the limited access to safe drinking water.

3 Population Profile Refugees are slowly returning. Between 2010 and 2050, the population will grow and more people will reach 65+ years old. Life expectancy (2012): 56.55 years. Males: 54 years and females: 59 years. 42% of the population is under 15 (2011) Median age (total): 19 years

4 Education Education is compulsory for children under 6 years at primary school age and in junior secondary school, but the shortage of schools and teachers make implementation impossible. There are only 3 universities in the country. 2/3 of the adult population are illiterate.

5 Religion Followers of Islam constitute the majority of religion within the country with Christians taking the minority. The constitute of Sierra Leone provides freedom of religion within the country. 60% Muslim. 10% Christian and 30% indigenous beliefs.

6 Challenges The government is challenged by the majority of the population living in poverty without access to safe, clean drinking water. 48% of their work force is from child labour (5-14). They have a rapidly growing population and 8046 are refugees from Liberia.

7 Responses Sierra Leone’s governmental power set up a National Population Commission in 1982 with regards to women, education, migration, etc. With this policy they wanted to improve the quality of life of the people and enhance human welfare without taking away human right of choosing number of children. To do this, they provide men and women with information and education of the value of a reasonable sized family and provide education to women bout fertility, family life, etc. They also want to improve the quality and availability of health care for maternal and child services to reduce infant mortality rates. Also to provide family planning to everyone at an affordable cost and promote contraceptives use.

8 Guide posts Women should be encouraged to have a small family, 3-4 children; Age of first pregnancy should be 16 or higher; The birth interval should be 24 months or higher.

9 Summary Overall, Sierra Leone faces many challenges in the future with regards to future development and planning with the rapid population growth and trying to keep the population stable. The government is more concerned with raising education, improve qualities of life with more health services to lower death rates so they can have a working age above 15, but overall, all these should help the population lower or stablise as more resources and opportunities are offered throughout the country to men and women.

10 Bibliography World health Organisation, United Nations, Harvard, CIA, World Fact Book, factbook/geos/ factbook/geos/sl.html

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