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By, Matthew Schechter, Allison Cary, Hannah Samson, Kylie Venezia, and Taylor Brown Greek Religion Virtual Museum.

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Presentation on theme: "By, Matthew Schechter, Allison Cary, Hannah Samson, Kylie Venezia, and Taylor Brown Greek Religion Virtual Museum."— Presentation transcript:

1 By, Matthew Schechter, Allison Cary, Hannah Samson, Kylie Venezia, and Taylor Brown Greek Religion Virtual Museum

2 Click for video ```````` ```````````````````` `````````````````````````` ``````` `````````````` ````````````````````` ````````````````````````` ```````````` ````````````` Greek Gods

3 Apollo is the Greek god of the sun. he has a son, Phaethon. Apollo rides his chariot across the sky to keep the sun shining.

4 Hercules was one of Greece’s most popular heroes. He is a very good fighter. Hercules was very honorable, and Zeus’s son.

5 Zeus was the chief god. He was married to the goddess Hera. He had many children. He also was able to strike lightning bolts.

6 Hermes was the messenger throughout the gods. He was also Zeus’s son. Hermes was very trusted to the gods and goddesses because they trusted him to carry their important messages.


8 Poseidon is the Greek God of the Sea, earthquakes, and horses. He was also one of the supreme gods of Mount Olympus. Poseidon was the brother of Zeus and Hades, which divided up creation.

9 ``````` ```````` ``````````` `````` ``````` `````` ``````````` Floor 1 Greek Gods

10 Floor 1- Greek Gods Floor 2- Greek Goddess Floor 3- Greek Sacrifies Floor 4- Greek Religious Buildings

11 2 3 1 The End 4


13 ````````````````````````````````````````````` `````````````````````` ````````````````````` ```````` `````` Greek Goddess ```

14 ````````````````````````````````````````````` `````````````````````` ````````````````````` ```````` `````` Greek Goddess ```

15 Persephone was the queen of underworld the underworld of epic literature. She is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter. A Greek myth tells of Persephone being kidnapped by Pluto. As a result of this myth her mother Demeter wandered the earth looking for her daughter Persephone. She was so distraught when she found out her daughter had been kidnapped that the earth ceased to be fertile for the time being. This is because Persephone’s mother, Demeter was the goddess of Harvest.


17 Demeter is the Greek goddess of planned society. She is Persephone’s mother. She brings forth the fruits of the earth and grains also. Demeter is also the goddess of fertility.

18 The Greek goddess of wisdom, war, the arts, industry, justice and skill. She was also Zeus’s favorite child

19 Hera was Zeus’s wife. She was jealous that Zeus was involved with other Women. Hera was also the queen of Olympian deities. She was also mainly worshiped as the goddess of marriage and birth.

20 Aphrodite was the Greek goddess of love and beauty. Aphrodite loved and was loved by gods and mortals.

21 ``````` ```````` ``````````` `````` ``````` `````` ``````````` Floor 2 Greek Goddess

22 Floor 1- Greek Gods Floor 2- Greek Goddess Floor 3- Greek Sacrifies Floor 4- Greek Religious Buildings

23 2 3 1 The End 4


25 ````````` `````````` ````````` `````````` ```````` Floor 3 Greek Sacrifice

26 ````````` `````````` ````````` `````````` ```````` Floor 3 Greek Sacrifice

27 This picture shows a man trying to take a sword and decapitate the other man.

28 This picture shows when the Greeks sacrificed something or someone with a community.

29 This is a picture of two men sacrificing an animal to show their appreciation towards their Gods and goddesses.

30 This picture shows a person about to sacrifice a horse.

31 ````````` `````````` ``````` ```````` ``````````` `````` ``````` `````` ``````````` Floor 3 Greek Sacrifice

32 Floor 1- Greek Gods Floor 2- Greek Goddess Floor 3- Greek Sacrifies Floor 4- Greek Religious Buildings

33 2 3 1 The End 4


35 ````` ``````` Greek Religious Buildings ``````` `````````````` ````````

36 ````` ``````` Greek Religious Buildings ``````` `````````````` ```````` Greek Religious Buildings


38 This is a Greek Orthodox Church. *more info*

39 These is remains of the city of Corinth which was more then likely destroyed when the Roman’s conquered Greece.

40 This is the Parthenon. It started to develop in 477 B.C and was finished in 432 B.C. The Parthenon overlooks Athens from Acropolis.

41 ``````` ```````` ``````````` `````` ``````` `````` ``````````` Floor 4 Greek Religious Buildings

42 Floor 1- Greek Gods Floor 2- Greek Goddess Floor 3- Greek Sacrifies Floor 4- Greek Religious Buildings

43 2 3 1 The End 4



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