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SB 5.11 Elements of Humor – Comic Situations Level 3 Unit 5.

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1 SB 5.11 Elements of Humor – Comic Situations Level 3 Unit 5

2 Purpose To identify and analyze humorous situations in non-print texts

3 Situations One common element of comedy is placing a character in an unlikely situation in which he or she obviously does not belong. Other examples of situational humor include characters as victims of circumstances and situations where characters are surprised by unusual events and react in comical ways.

4 Unfamiliar & Unlikely Situations Comic CharacterComic SituationFilm Techniques That Create Humor Appearance/Facial Expression Setting:Framing: Actions:Humorous Events:Angels: Words:Sound: Take notes as you view the film clip. Character: __________________ Film: ______________________ Director: __________________

5 Film Clip Characters in an unfamiliar or unlikely situation. – Pleasantville (Scenes 7-8) Modern teens are transported to the 1950’s. Characters as the victims of unlikely circumstances – Monsters, Inc. (Scene 11) A child scares a monster.

6 Unlikely Circumstances Comic CharacterComic SituationFilm Techniques That Create Humor Appearance/Facial Expression Setting:Framing: Actions:Humorous Events:Angels: Words:Sound: Take notes as you view the film clip. Character: __________________ Film: ______________________ Director: __________________

7 Analytical Paragraph How do the writer and director create humor? On a separate paper, write a well-developed analytical paragraph that examines the elements of humor – comic character and situations and the level of comedy In the text. Use examples from either of the film clips to support your ideas, and use humorous vocabulary words in your analysis.

8 Small Group Share Use your graphic organizers to generate ideas for an analytical essay. Use this information to respond to the writing prompt. Revisit the Elements of Humor graphic organizer from 5.9… add details to the comic situations section.

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