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James Martinez. Introduction Throughout my life, I realize problems are around me, and I work to fix them. A long time ago, I realized the issue of environmental.

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Presentation on theme: "James Martinez. Introduction Throughout my life, I realize problems are around me, and I work to fix them. A long time ago, I realized the issue of environmental."— Presentation transcript:

1 James Martinez

2 Introduction Throughout my life, I realize problems are around me, and I work to fix them. A long time ago, I realized the issue of environmental abuse. Recently at Windsor High School, I started taking action to improve the environment.

3 Introduction: My Transition to Environmentalism Environmental Club Recycling Walking Home AP Biology Politics – Sustainable living Green and Democratic Party Values

4 Introduction: Choosing a Project Broad Subject: Environmentalism Idea originated from Ms. Fenton Project: Monitoring the water conditions of Windsor Creek Organization: Community Clean Water Institute (CCWI)

5 My Mentor Sarah Shaeffer Program Director at CCWI Masters Degree in Public Environmental Health Taught me :  How to test the creek  Science of creek habitats  Follow my passions

6 The Process Initial Setup Visiting Ms. Fenton Contacting CCWI Getting Permission to Test Learning Finding Representative Locations How to Use Equipment Understanding Creek Environments Project Expansion Creek Beautification Recycling Finding Greater Purpose

7 Challenges Finding the testing site Weather, muck, rain Working racing the sunset Working in the dark

8 Testing for E. Coli Normal E. Coli level (for swimming, not drinking): 235 MPN/100 mL Windsor Creek E. Coli level: 2,224 MPN/100 mL 9.46 times too much How do E. Coli levels get so high?

9 A Purpose for my Senior Project My mission: to find the source of E. Coli contamination, and seek justice for Windsor Creek Factors to consider: rain increases E. Coli levels My hypothesis – where did the E. Coli come from? Narrow down the problem area

10 Love Thy Rock Did not find the culprit – need more data I still learned:  I don’t need to travel or be wealthy to make change  Change from the grassroots level  Love thy rock – the process is more important than the outcome

11 Skills I Have Learned Testing for water quality parameters  Electrical conductivity  Dissolved oxygen  pH  Turbidity  Nitrogen  Phosphates

12 Lessons I Have Learned High school science is real world science There are different, non- typical ways to contribute to one’s community. One individual can make a difference. Like Erin Brockovich, anyone can find justice for the environment.

13 How I Have Changed Computer Science Biology Bioinformatics More likely to be involved with the community. One must do what is right not for recognition, but for the greater good of all. I will integrate my interest in biology into my career.

14 Conclusion I still test Windsor Creek Water monthly, and will continue to do so until I go to college. My current goal: to integrate my interest in computer science and my love of biology to make the environmental changes I wish to see. How I will accomplish the goal: attending UC Berkeley, with a major in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, with a minor in biology. Work in bioinformatics. I don’t have to wait to fulfill my purpose – I have done so, I am doing so, and I will continue to act environmentally in all ways possible.

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