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1 Copyright © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.
Limits: A Preview of Calculus Copyright © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

2 13.1 Finding Limits Numerically and Graphically
Copyright © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

3 Objectives Definition of Limit
Estimating Limits Numerically and Graphically Limits That Fail to Exist One-Sided Limits

4 Definition of Limit

5 Definition of Limit In general, we use the following notation.
Roughly speaking, this says that the values of f (x) get closer and closer to the number L as x gets closer and closer to the number a (from either side of a) but x ≠ a.

6 Definition of Limit An alternative notation for limx  a f (x) = L is
f (x)  L as x  a which is usually read “f (x) approaches L as x approaches a.” Notice the phrase “but x ≠ a” in the definition of limit. This means that in finding the limit of f (x) as x approaches a, we never consider x = a. In fact, f (x) need not even be defined when x = a. The only thing that matters is how f is defined near a.

7 Definition of Limit Figure 2 shows the graphs of three functions. Note that in part (c), f (a) is not defined, and in part (b), f (a) ≠ L. But in each case, regardless of what happens at a, limxa f (x) = L. (a) (b) (c) f (x) = L in all three cases Figure 2

8 Estimating Limits Numerically and Graphically

9 Example 1 – Estimating Limits Numerically and Graphically
Estimate the value of the following limit by making a table of values. Check your work with a graph. Solution: Notice that the function f (x) = (x – 1)/(x2 – 1) is not defined when x = 1, but this doesn’t matter because the definition of limxa f (x) says that we consider values of x that are close to a but not equal to a.

10 Example 1 – Solution cont’d The following tables give values of f (x) (rounded to six decimal places) for values of x that approach 1 (but are not equal to 1). On the basis of the values in the two tables, we make the guess that

11 Example 1 – Solution cont’d As a graphical verification we use a graphing device to produce Figure 3. We see that when x is close to 1, y is close to 0.5. If we use the and features to get a closer look, as in Figure 4, we notice that as x gets closer and closer to 1, y becomes closer and closer to 0.5. This reinforces our conclusion. Figure 3 Figure 4

12 Limits That Fail to Exist

13 Limits That Fail to Exist
Functions do not necessarily approach a finite value at every point. In other words, it’s possible for a limit not to exist. The next example illustrates ways in which this can happen.

14 Example 3 – A Limit That Fails to Exist (A Function with a Jump)
The Heaviside function H is defined by [This function, named after the electrical engineer Oliver Heaviside (1850–1925), can be used to describe an electric current that is switched on at time t = 0.] Its graph is shown in Figure 6. Notice the “jump” in the graph at x = 0. Figure 6

15 Example 3 – A Limit That Fails to Exist (A Function with a Jump)
cont’d As t approaches 0 from the left, H (t) approaches 0. As t approaches 0 from the right, H (t) approaches 1. There is no single number that H (t) approaches as t approaches 0. Therefore, limt0 H (t) does not exist.

16 One-Sided Limits

17 One-Sided Limits We noticed in Example 3 that H(t) approaches 0 as t approaches 0 from the left H (t) and approaches 1 as t approaches 0 from the right. We indicate this situation symbolically by writing and The symbol “t  0–” indicates that we consider only values of t that are less than 0. Likewise, “t  0+” indicates that we consider only values of t that are greater than 0.

18 One-Sided Limits Notice that this definition differs from the definition of a two-sided limit only in that we require x to be less than a.

19 One-Sided Limits Similarly, if we require that x be greater than a, we get “the right-hand limit of f (x) as x approaches a is equal to L,” and we write Thus the symbol “x  a+” means that we consider only x > a. These definitions are illustrated in Figure 9. (a) f (x) = L (b) f (x) = L Figure 9

20 One-Sided Limits By comparing the definitions of two-sided and one-sided limits, we see that the following is true. Thus if the left-hand and right-hand limits are different, the (two-sided) limit does not exist. We use this fact in the next example.

21 Example 6 – Limits from a Graph
The graph of a function g is shown in Figure 10. Use it to state the values (if they exist) of the following: (a) (b) Figure 10

22 Example 6(a) – Solution From the graph we see that the values of g (x) approach 3 as x approaches 2 from the left, but they approach 1 as x approaches 2 from the right. Therefore and Since the left- and right-hand limits are different, we conclude that limx2 g (x) does not exist.

23 Example 6(b) – Solution The graph also shows that and
cont’d The graph also shows that and This time the left- and right-hand limits are the same, so we have Despite this fact, notice that g (5) ≠ 2.

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