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GenSet Test Update, Literature Review Lab Gas Generators Nick Johnson 2-19-08 NBEL Wayne State University.

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Presentation on theme: "GenSet Test Update, Literature Review Lab Gas Generators Nick Johnson 2-19-08 NBEL Wayne State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 GenSet Test Update, Literature Review Lab Gas Generators Nick Johnson 2-19-08 NBEL Wayne State University

2 Outline  Engine Update  Literature Review  Published Reports of Similar Tests  Specific Gravity of ULSD for Genset Test  Nitrogen Generators

3 Engine Update  Exhaust Filter Plugged up  Waiting on replacement filter  Plugged up holes when not using smoke meter  Reinstall smoke meter piping  Move Thermocouple to after Smoke Meter to reduce Swirl  Possible installation of Thermocouple location before muffler for more accurate exhaust temperature reading

4 Literature Review for Soot Levels in Lubricating Oil  “Effect of diesel soot on lubricant oil viscosity” George, S et. al… WVU ME Dept 2006  Soot levels predetermined and set into 3 various categories 0%, 2%, 4%  Test samples conducted on Wells-Brookfield viscometer at 40  C and 90  C using an ounce of oil  Used various oils and soot was actually scraped off inner exhaust manifold and added to oil  Other Variants in oil kept constant throughout all the tests

5 Literature Review for Soot Levels in Lubricating Oil  As soot viscosity was shown to increase thus accelerating the wear characteristics  Dispersants are added to counteract and keep soot suspended “Effect of diesel soot on lubricant oil viscosity” George, S et. al… WVU ME Dept 2006

6 Literature Review for Soot Levels in Lubricating Oil “Effect of diesel soot on lubricant oil viscosity” George, S et. al… WVU ME Dept 2006

7 Literature Review for Soot Levels in Lubricating Oil  As soot viscosity was shown to increase thus accelerating the wear characteristics  Dispersants are added to counteract and keep soot suspended “Effect of diesel soot on lubricant oil viscosity” George, S et. al… WVU ME Dept 2006

8 Specific Gravity Measurement of ULSD

9 Nitrogen Generators  Contacted two companies  PerkinElmer has Nitrogen generator specific for OES-ICP  Contacted left message for our product specialist  Maxigas Nitrogen Generators  Contacted and they are putting together an economic analysis comparison to our N 2 tanks we are currently using  We need UHP Nitrogen i.e. 99.999% so can’t buy a typical generator ~ increased cost

10 Questions???

11 Future Work  Get Engine Running again  Develop Daily Procedure for Start Up / Shut Down and with Kapila  Measure Specific Gravity of S-8  Continue to find Literature on Soot Analysis  Purchase of Lab Gas Generators and Installation

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