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Copy Data Management for Automated DR Next Gen Data Protection Catalogic ECX Manage, Orchestrate and Analyze Copy Data for Next Gen Data Protection & Automated.

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Presentation on theme: "Copy Data Management for Automated DR Next Gen Data Protection Catalogic ECX Manage, Orchestrate and Analyze Copy Data for Next Gen Data Protection & Automated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copy Data Management for Automated DR Next Gen Data Protection Catalogic ECX Manage, Orchestrate and Analyze Copy Data for Next Gen Data Protection & Automated DR

2 Agenda 2 Copy Data – DR / Data Protection ChallengesCopy Data Management Value PropositionCatalogic Software’s Solution OverviewProduct Demonstration –

3 Four use cases Each requiring its own solution All with common, overlapping storage services Separate and complex to deploy Costly to implement & manage Results in data silos Creates software, hardware and data sprawl Multiple Solutions – Multiple ‘Common’ Services 3 BACKUP/DRDev/Test - DevOpsTEST/DEV, DEVOPSANALYTICS DATA SERVICES COPYOPTIMIZE MOVESTORE DATA SERVICES COPYOPTIMIZE MOVESTORE DATA SERVICES COPYOPTIMIZE MOVESTORE DATA SERVICES COPYOPTIMIZE MOVESTORE

4 Big Data workload (Analytics) Resilient workload (Mirror) Non production workload (Test/Dev or DevOps) Compliance workload (Archive) Resilient workload (Disk Backup) Recovery workload (Tape Backup) Primary Data Today’s IT Challenge: Drowning in a Deluge of Copy Data Result: Increased cost and complexity and no additional business value 4 Source: IDC, The Copy Data Problem: An Order of Magnitude Analysis, doc #239875 COPY DATA GROWTH Storage Growth Time Primary Data ~35% YoY 23 6 1 1 ? Copy Data will be a $51B problem by 2018 Consumes as much as 60% of disk capacity Drives 65% of Storage Software and 85% of the Storage Hardware spending Almost all copies sit idle Copy Data Mgmt Gap Geometric Copy Data Growth Appropriate Data Growth Linear Data Growth 50+ Copies 23 1 1

5 Disaster Recovery Operations – Before (Run Book) 5 Current Process… Complex / Complicated Lots to configure No data visibility Manual process: scripting Error Prone Time consuming Everyone’s an expert Everyone is available Happens every 365 days Start Identify critical applications Identify order applications need to be recovered Identify where data set is that is to be used for recovery Verify if data set to be used for recovery is complete Determine recovery location Fence off recovery location Execute utilities / scripts to ‘recover data’ Execute scripts to bring applications up in proper config Test to ensure applications operate properly Promote / tear down environment (properly) End DR testing takes place over a full weekend DR Run Book

6 Traditional Data Protection / Management 6 Primary Storage VMware Snapshots Mirrors / Replicas Mirror / Replicas Cloud System Level Recovery DR Site, Cloud Local Site Site Level Recovery File Level Recovery Backup / Media Servers VTL, PBBA Replication = High impact, inefficient Multiple BU products = Slow restore = Complex, costly, slow = Tape

7 LEVERAGE Catalogic’s Copy Data Management Platform 7 Your Infrastructure Virtual snapshot and replication capabilities Catalogic ECX Copy Data Management Platform Catalog, Manage, Orchestrate and Analyze Copy Data across your Enterprise and Cloud Downloadable VM Agentless Use Cases Automated DR, Enhanced Test/Dev, DevOps Automation, Analytics and Enhanced Recovery Orchestration and Automation of application consistent Snapshots and VMware VADP Copy Images Copy Data Orchestration and Automation Full actionable catalog for Snapshot / File analytics /Protection Compliance Search, Report and Analyze Copy Data Catalog and Analytics IBM(GA ECX 2.2): Storwize, SVC, v9000, VersaStack, Flash Copy Manager & SoftLayer AND/OR Efficient management of Copy Data through full lifecycle (Copy Creation, Copy Use, Compliance and EOL), across heterogeneous storage infrastructure Eliminate the need for scripting based upon unique APIs per storage platform Copy Data Lifecycle Management Self-service provisioning as well as Self-Service automated DR, Test/Dev, DevOps and analytics App teams gain speed and IT keeps control and gains SLA management Self-Service for App teams or Admins

8 8 How it Works

9 The Copy Data Reality 9 Current Environment Highly efficient and resilient Replicated Primary and secondary Snapshots Separate Environments for: Test/Dev Analytics or Data warehouse Operational Recovery DR Archive …Over budget and … “data starved” PRIMARY SITE Storage Array VMware SECONDARY SITE Storage Array VMware Array Replication

10 Copy Data Management 10 PRIMARY SITE Storage APIs SECONDARY SITE Storage APIs VMware API VM VMware API VM Array Replication Catalogic ECX Copy Data Management “Catalog” provides: Catalog all snaps, replicas, and VMware objects Detailed visibility and context of your current environment Copy Lineage and location Compliance reporting

11 Copy Data Management 11 PRIMARY SITE Storage Array SECONDARY SITE Storage Array VM VM1VM2VM3 VM Copy Data Management actionable catalog provides: Catalog all snaps, replicas and VMware objects Detailed visibility and context of your current environment Copy Lineage and location VMware / Storage correlation Compliance / Audit reporting VMware Array Replication Production Data Full CopySnapshot Catalogic ECX

12 Copy Data Management 12 PRIMARY SITE Storage Array SECONDARY SITE Storage Array VM VM1VM2VM3 VM Automation & orchestration enables powerful use cases: Enhanced Recovery, Automated Daily DR, DevOps, Analytics Workflows run scheduled, ad hoc or via REST API Refresh Data as often as you snapshot VMware Array Replication Production Data Full CopySnapshot Catalogic ECX Copy Data Lifecycle Management Simple process to consistently configure and deploy snapshots/Replication Replaces complex custom scripting Full visibility, analytics and SLA reporting

13 VMware VMware API Copy Data Management 13 PRIMARY SITE Storage Array SECONDARY SITE Storage Array VM VM1VM2 Automated DR / DevOps / Analytics: Workflows leverage actionable catalog Bring up applications in a fenced network Bring up applications in order leveraging existing application consistent snapshots Test DR every day Enable DevOps agility; faster time to market Fresh data for analytics; greater accuracy VM VM1’VM2’VM3’ Fenced VM Environment VM VM1’VM2’VM3’ Fenced VM Environment Array Replication Production Data Full CopySnapshot Catalogic ECX

14 Copy Data Management 14 PRIMARY SITE Storage Array SECONDARY SITE Storage Array VM Environments can be: Cleaned up Promoted to production Moved to permanent storage for longer use VM VM1VM2VM3 VM1’VM2’VM3’ Fenced VM Environment VM Cleaned up VMware Array Replication Production Data Full CopySnapshot Catalogic ECX

15 Copy Data Management 15 PRIMARY SITE Storage Array SECONDARY SITE Storage Array VM Environments can be: Cleaned up Promoted to production Moved to permanent storage for longer use VM VM1VM2VM3 VM1’VM2’VM3’ Fenced VM Environment VM Promoted to production VMware Array Replication Production Data Full CopySnapshot Catalogic ECX

16 VMware Copy Data Management 16 PRIMARY SITE Storage array SECONDARY SITE Storage Array VM Environments can be: Cleaned up Promoted to production Moved to permanent storage for longer use VM VM1VM2VM3 VM1’VM2’VM3’ Fenced VM Environment VM VM2’VM1’VM3’ Moved to permanent storage for longer use Array Replication Production Data Full CopySnapshot Catalogic ECX

17 The Power of Storage Workflow Templates 17 Current situation Measured on: Up-time Containing cost Agility for the Business Measured on: Speed of software delivery Quality of code not up-time STORAGE TEAM Understand the environment and has the storage skills to set the environment up and provide the required up-time Setting up environments is a manual and error prone task that takes time Doesn’t have the tools to provide self service to App teams APP TEAM Would like more control over how storage for an application is designed. Would like to self-serve storage – eliminate the delay created by Storage team At best, the App Team is frustrated with the process At worst, the App team goes around the processes and does their own exports or dumps to take control and speed up their work INTERNAL COMMUNICATION GAP CIO Business Unit Leader

18 The Power of Storage Workflow Templates 18 Templates provide “Common Ground” CIO Business Unit Leader Understand the environment and has the storage skills to set the environment up and provide the required up-time Setting up environments is a manual and error prone task that takes time Doesn’t have the tools to provide self service to App teams Would like more control over how storage for an application is designed. Would like to self-serve storage – eliminate the delay created by Storage team At best, the App Team is frustrated with the process At worst, the App team goes around the processes and does their own exports or dumps to take control and speed up their work INTERNAL COMMUNICATION GAP STORAGE TEAM APP TEAM Self-services Provisioning, Automated DR, Test/Dev Refresh, DevOps Automation and Analytics Storage team: Keeps control and gain SLA management App Team: Gets the speed they need through Self-Service Measured on: Up-time Containing cost Agility for the Business Measured on: Speed of software delivery Quality of code not up-time

19 Automated Disaster Recovery (Testing) Automate and Orchestrate DR for High Availability Automated DR –‘Copy’ / ‘Use’ data workflows are simple and intuitive to create –No more reliance on scripting –Drive automation into the DR process –Test DR processes every day if desired –Drive repeatable best practices for DR –Enable app teams to test DR via templates –Best possible RPOs / RTOs –Spin up / Test in any location including the could –Exception reporting - auditability –Workflows can also be leveraged for other business processes including: –Test/Dev, DevOps, Analytics, Reporting and more –Op/Ex and Cap/Ex savings 19 Production Environment If you’ve got it, Mount it! Leverage your Copy Data! Leverage Copy Data

20 Exception Reporting: Report Detailing SLA’s No Longer in Compliance 20

21 Enhanced Recovery Recovery via snapshots Requires auditable protection/recovery process Requires a catalog, automation and a daily process to ensure proper protection –Just like backup today Run in parallel to backup process daily Prove all operational recoveries come from snapshot / mirror infrastructure Start migrating off Data Domain / Avamar / NBU etc… at next upgrade cycle Business Benefits: Fastest backup available Fastest recovery available –Instant Access via mount Tape archive preserved or moved to cloud storage Dramatic reduction of CapEx and Opex 21 Primary Storage VMware Snapshots Mirror / Replica Cloud System Level Recovery DR Site, Cloud Local Site Site Level Recovery File Level Recovery

22 Exception Reporting RPO / RTO Compliance Report 22 Flash Copy

23 Workflow Dashboard 23 Simple, intuitive dashboard of all scheduled workflows – status, duration, results etc…

24 Save CapEx and OpEx – Improve ROA General operational savings – Eliminate complex and hard to maintain scripts – Self Service storage provisioning, DR, Test/Dev, DevOps and Analytics – Decrease unplanned downtime through compliance reporting and availability audits – Replaces multiple tools Automatic Daily DR – Leverage existing replicated snapshots – better ROA – No need for dedicated storage – Eliminate time consuming and rarely successful DR weekends Enhanced Test/Dev or DevOps – Leverage existing replicated snapshots – better ROA – No need for dedicated storage – Reduce manual tasks for data population – Dramatically increase developer productivity – Increase time to market Near Real-time data access for analytics – Eliminate data extraction process via scripting – Increase analytic benefits through Near-Real-time data access 24

25 Catalogic Software & IBM Partnership with ECX 25 Catalogic ECX Manage, Orchestrate and Analyze Copy Data across your Enterprise and Cloud Downloadable VM Agentless Flash Copy Manager New & exciting uses cases for Flash Copy Manager volumes Automated DR, Enhanced Test/Dev, DevOps Automation and Analytics Flash System v9000 Differentiate against other Flash Arrays with Copy Data use cases – Automated DR, Test/Dev, Analytics and hybrid cloud Leverage application consistent snapshots for dramatically more powerful Test/Dev, DevOps automation and analytics use cases Leverage all of v9000’s advanced Copy Services (Snapshots, replication, compression and Easy Tier) Storwize and SVC Copy Data use cases for all Storwize and SVC environments Automated DR, Enhanced Test/Dev, DevOps Automation, Analytics and hybrid cloud Additionally provides entry point into any VMware environment Leverage all of Storwize’s advanced Copy Services (Snapshots, replication, compression and Easy Tier) VersaStack Copy Data use cases for VersaStack environments Automated DR, Enhanced Test/Dev, DevOps Automation, Analytics and hybrid cloud Additionally provides entry point into any VMware environment Leverage all of Storwize’s advanced Copy Services (Snapshots, replication, compression and Easy Tier)

26 Product Demonstration Catalogic Software

27 Software-Defined Copy Data Management 27 Catalogic ECX Reduced cost and complexity and increased business agility Result Available for the IBM Storwize family, SVC, V9000 and Flash Copy Manager in Catalogic ECX 2.2 For more information: or email us at

28 28 Thank You

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