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The American Revolution – part 1 (Ch. 6, Sec. 4).

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1 The American Revolution – part 1 (Ch. 6, Sec. 4)

2 What type of relationship did colonies in America have with each other, & with Britain? Colonies were thriving economically ( traded with all European nations) In 1651, Parliament passed Navigation Act & only allowed colonies to trade with Britain Population in colonies grew from 250,000 (1700) to around 2.15 million (1750) Colonists saw themselves as 13 independent colonies, with their own governments

3 Boston Tea Party

4 How did hostilities continue to grow between Britain & her American colonies? Britain began to tax colonies (1765) for French & Indian War (part of 7 Years’ War) Colonists argued Stamp Act violated natural rights / no taxation without representation (Parliament) Boston Massacre (1770) caused hostilities to grow After tax on tea led to Boston Tea Party (1773), King George III closed Boston Harbor First Continental Congress met in 1774


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