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E-portfolio assessment system architecture Milen Petrov Adelina Aleksieva-Petrova 5th TENCompetence Open Workshop, Sofia October 30-31, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "E-portfolio assessment system architecture Milen Petrov Adelina Aleksieva-Petrova 5th TENCompetence Open Workshop, Sofia October 30-31, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-portfolio assessment system architecture Milen Petrov Adelina Aleksieva-Petrova 5th TENCompetence Open Workshop, Sofia October 30-31, 2008

2 Content Goal Introduction Methodology Use case, logical and implementation views Limitations, benefits and future work

3 Goal to describe the software architecture for a system, which supports the non-traditional form of assessment namely e-portfolio

4 Introduction Some new forms of assessment which divert from the existing traditional forms (such as examinations and tests) have emerged with the development in the area of human abilities evaluation. Such examples are the e-portfolio, 360 degrees feedback, peers assessment, etc..

5 Research methodology of e- portfolio system

6 Design phase (Use case view) (1/3)‏ Use case view: shows the main assessment process, defined by UML use case diagrams. These diagrams classify the primary cases that will be implemented and describe the sequence of the processes in the system for each user case

7 Design phase (Logical view) (2/3)‏ presents the main classes and their interaction within the system, using another type of UML diagram – an analysis class diagram. The interaction between classes and objects is given from user’s point of view: presented through descriptions, pictures and diagrams of the functionality instead of concrete classes

8 Design phase (Implementation view) (3/3)‏ shows the system main components from the developer’s point of view: through framework descriptions, and descriptions of significant classes. This is done through package diagram and physical package structure of system.

9 E-POIRTFOLIO ASSESSMENT SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE (Use case view) (1/2) Use cases 1.assess candidate portfolio, 2.perform assessment (main use case), 3.give score to each assessment item, 4.browse candidate portfolio, 5.load candidate portfolio, 6.login as assessor, 7.load assessment, and assessment


11 E-POIRTFOLIO ASSESSMENT SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE (Logical view) (1/2)‏ User has two flows: –Perform Assessment (main flow)‏ –Browse Portfolio

12 E-POIRTFOLIO ASSESSMENT SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE (Logical view) (2/2) Analysis class diagram of the functionality of the system (boundary, controller and entity classes)

13 E-POIRTFOLIO ASSESSMENT SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE (Implementation view)‏ (1/3)‏ Package diagram of the system’s functionality Package structure of the application

14 E-POIRTFOLIO ASSESSMENT SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE (Implementation view)‏ (2/3)‏ Package diagram of the system’s functionality

15 E-POIRTFOLIO ASSESSMENT SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE (Implementation view) (3/3)‏ Package structure of the application

16 E-POIRTFOLIO ASSESSMENT SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE (Implementation view)‏ There are two types of classes: –on the one hand there are the classes, which are part of the business-logic of the application, and on the other hand – –there are the purely technical classes for environment (framework) of the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP)‏

17 Screenshot of system

18 Functionality of system System has the capability to import and parse an xml file constructed according to the previously developed assessment specification It offers to its users to perform assessment activities according to assigned user roles. After the performance, it offers to the user to store the results using the same specification. This tool can also load the already performed assessment activities, and preview or evaluate results from the activities performed in the previous assessment run.

19 Limitations, benefits and future work As a conclusion it could be said that the designed and developed system, which is based only on one type of non-traditional assessment is limited. Nevertheless, the current research is a very important step of assessment modeling and assessment specification validation activities. The future work will include a wider adoption of other different methods of non-traditional assessment approaches

20 Thank You Contact us: Milen Petrov Adelina Aleksieva

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