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Project: PassLock. The Team George Bell Chris Doty Carey Johnson Luke Kelly.

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Presentation on theme: "Project: PassLock. The Team George Bell Chris Doty Carey Johnson Luke Kelly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project: PassLock

2 The Team George Bell Chris Doty Carey Johnson Luke Kelly

3 PassLock Overview Make it Easier for Users to Control and Maintain Login Information and Passwords Maintain a Secure Database Let Users Share Information When Required

4 Individual Contributions George Bell – Project manager, assembles and combines the input of each team member Chris Doty – Project Description and Data Requirements Carey Johnson – Information and Interface Requirements Luke Kelly – Tools/Techniques and part of Introduction All - Review and Approve Sections Truly a Team Effort

5 Background Who is the Client? General Use Product Anyone Who Has Login Information and Needs a Better System to Maintain and Control Their Login Information

6 Problem Statement Computer Users Have Multiple Login/Password Combinations to Remember Information is Forgotten or Lost Information is Stored Insecurely Users May Have Shared Logins Users May Use Multiple Computers

7 Goals & Objectives Store and Manage User Passwords Allow for Sharing of Passwords Portable – Can Be Used on Multiple Computers Secure – Files Encrypted Policies Stored – Rules Regarding Passwords Allow Users to Synchronize Information

8 Scope Primary Design Purpose is to Share Passwords between Users Back-up Database to Prevent Loss of Data Will work for Single User Utilizes a Database

9 Constraints The scope of PassLock is limited by the following: Users must be able to share passwords Utilize a Database Use VB.Net as programming language

10 Functional Requirements Securely Input/Store Multiple Login Credentials Multiple Users Can Share/Synchronize Passwords Group Passwords By Access Rights Can Be Run From A USB Drive Copy Usernames or Passwords To Clipboard Top 5 Functional Requirements:

11 Store And Enforce Password Policies Generate Random Numbers Search For Passwords Hide Passwords From Others Multiple Database On Same Machine Functional Requirements Continued: Functional Requirements

12 Clickable Hyperlinks Screen Has Timeout Log All Data Changes Backup Password Database Preview/Print Password List Functional Requirements Continued: Functional Requirements

13 Easy To Use Interface Simple To Synchronize Non-Functional Requirements

14 Database ERD

15 User Interface Class Data Flow DataSet Classes Database Providers Encryption Providers Business Entities DataSet Adapters Session Management

16 Class Data Table

17 Class Diagram – Business Entities

18 Business Entity Table

19 Administrators control the system All users control their own accounts PassLock Use Cases System Scenarios (Level 1)

20 PassLock Use Cases Administrator Scenarios (Level 2) Administrators manage the PassLock system Administrators assist PassLock users

21 PassLock Use Cases Common Scenarios (Level 2) All users maintain their own Login Account All users maintain their own Application Profiles

22 PassLock Event-driven Process Chain (EPC Diagram) Accounts Shared Groups Group Profiles Personal Profiles External / Temporal System Management

23 PassLock Activity Diagram Securely Login to PassLock Make Personal Application Profiles Share Application Profiles with Groups Create Portable Information

24 Feasibility Analysis Solutions Considered Password Manager XP –Commercial Application Access Manager – Commercial Application RoboForm – Commercial Application Password Corral – Commercial Application PassLock – Custom Solution


26 Weighted Feasibility Analysis

27 PassLock Project Timeline: Requirements Next Milestone: Present Systems Design 4/16/2008 Milestone: Present Requirements 2/27/2008

28 PassLock Project: System Requirements PassLock Project (CS451 Phase) 67% PassLock Project (CS452 Phase) 0%

29 PassLock Questions & Answers Thank You

30 The End Thank You

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