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Eurolink Meeting Budapest, November 2010. Some Paths for the BelFr CLC TTTThe involvement of a new generation of CLC members in the structure, as,

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Presentation on theme: "Eurolink Meeting Budapest, November 2010. Some Paths for the BelFr CLC TTTThe involvement of a new generation of CLC members in the structure, as,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eurolink Meeting Budapest, November 2010

2 Some Paths for the BelFr CLC TTTThe involvement of a new generation of CLC members in the structure, as, since more than 20 years, the same people being involved (midleage : 45 years). TTTThe opening to the multicultural dimension of the BekFr CLC due to the position of Brussels as European Capital. As first steps, CLC communities in spanish and portugish have been set-up. (Next in English and in Italian).

3 Some Paths for the BelFr CLC  T T T The « taking over » of the CLC by the lays in terms of responsibility and management. TTTThe continuous formation for the lays in terms of ignatian spirituality, CLC identity and leading the meetings. Formation session are given yearly for coordinators (3 days), bi-yearly for guides (5 week- ends) and yearly for the binome guide/coordinator (1 day). TTTThe way to build-up a « new » partnership with the Jesuits and with other ignatian communities.

4 Typical Events  N ational Day 07 March 2010 : « L’Europe, chemin d’unions ou chemin d’exclusions ? Ignace, nous rêve-t-il eurosceptiques ou euro-convaincus ? »  G G G General Assembly : 19 February 2011 (in Namur) NNNNational Day : October/november 2011

5 Father Brito, S.J. : The worldwilde dimension of the CLC Father Madellin, S.J. : The European Union and the christian dimension Some Pictures BeFr CLC National Day

6 The adults are thinking to the world…

7 While the children are building it…

8 The concrete paths to the multi-national and multi- cultural CLC…

9 Everybody appreciates and takes part to…

10 The indirect or direct presence of other CLC communities (France, Luxemburg, BelVl…)

11 Time for questions and for common sharings…

12 The blessing prayer for the new National ExCo (ESN)

13 Under the eyes of the Lord …

14 Page : 14Journée Nationale 07 Mars 2010 Fatima : Cheminer comme corps apostolique Alicante : Grandir en région en travaillant ensemble et en partageant les ressources

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